Punicorn's Manager Lesson-kuma! ~Episode 5~

Start from the beginning

 They explained why this Pripara doesn't have many girls here. "I see, I see. So that's why Pararajuku's Pripara is so bear... Well, that's when managers need to step up and take charge-kuma!" said Kuma with a serious face. "The more veterans the better, you know-kuma!" "So... why are you getting mad?" asked Mirei, ewat-dropping. "This newbie runt's shining eyes tick me off-kuma! With heaps of lines. And oh-so-carefully drawn-kuma! There's a world of difference between us-kuma!" "Punicorn!" "Hey, newbie here just laughed at me-kuma! It makes my blood boi, my stomach churn!" "No, Punicorn's just always smiling." said Sophie. "Kuma-san, we're all capis-counting on you!" "Dreamy-cuting on you!" 

"Hrm... all right-kuma." said Kuma as he pulled out his sunglasses. "You're looking the ol' me who raised SoLaMi Smile up to Divine Idols and is moving into a 20LDK apartment- a Divine Manager-kuma!" "Divine Manager?" asked Yui. Kuma showed Yui a golden card. "Here's my card-kuma. My name, you see, is Klaus Henrik Poncetta Von Vogel-oh..." "There's no such position as "Divine Manager". Please don't make false documentation." explained Meganee as she ripped the fake card. 

"No! I gave up my veggie juice and saved my pocket money for 3 months for that!" sobbed Kuma as he watched the pieces fall to the ground. "Kuma-san, you're so funny!" giggled Yui. "Yeah, funny..." said Mirei, sweat-dropping. "Punicorn!" "Grr... Don't think you can bluff your way through this by smiling-kuma! You're gonna get educated, you hear-kuma?" said Kuma with an angry face. "Calm down, Kuma. Let's just start the lesson." said Sophie.

"We'll begin with how to scout a promising idol-kuma! Hey, ladies- your names?" "I'm Laala!" "I'm Yui!" "Mirei." "Sophie!" "Punicorn!" "Everyone in sight's part of the gang-kuma... Isn't there anyone else around here-kuma?" "Nope, just the 5 of us now." stated Mirei. "It's just sad to see a Pripara without idols-kuma." Laala and Yui felt offended. "Punicorn." "Arigatō, Punicorn. You're so kind." thanked Laala. "Actually, since we're already here, I don't think Punicorn needs to scout anyone else!" exclaimed Yui. "Yeah... good point." said Sophie.

 "Next up! When you've scouted an idol, but they're not coming to Pripara..."Ow-ow-ow! My head hurts! My heart pang, and my teeth ache- you have to come-kuma!"... If they think you're in a pinch, they'll come running-kuma! Give it a try-kuma" "Punicorn!" nodded Puincorn. "Punicorn. Punicron. Punicron. Puncorn. Punicorn. Puni-" "Hey! We can't understand a word you're saying-kuma!" "But it's so cute/pushu~!" said Laala and Sophie. "Don't worry, Punicorn, I'll be there in a flash!" exclaimed Yui.

 "I think you shouldn't be too hard on Punicorn. It's still new at this after all." stated Mirei. "You four are way to soft on the kid-kuma!" "Punicorn... Punicorn, punicorn..." said Punicorn, bowing. "Wow, everything Punicorn does is dreamy-cute!" "So true!" said Laala. "That's all wrong! Punicorn, aim to be a cool gentleman like yours truly-kuma." said Kuma with his 'gentleman' face and tone of voice. "Punicorn." said Punicorn, copying him. Kuma started to scream in shock. "Woah.... That took me by surprise-kuma..." "Umm, Kuma-san, about Punicorn..." started Laala. "Punicorn's a girl-pushu~" said Sophie. 

"Nani........Oh, is that the case-kuma? Then I finally have a little sister of my own-kuma..." said Kuma as his expression truned from blank to dazzle eyes. "Punicorn, you can call me "Onii-chan" if you want-kuma..." "Pu..." "You can call me "Onii-chan" if you want-kuma..." "Puni... Punicorn!" sneezed Punicorn. "That was a sneeze?!" said Kuma with an angry expression.  

"We're now starting intermediate manager lessons-kuma! It's only gonna get harsher from here, so get ready-kuma! One, two! One, two!" said Kuma as he hit his bokken on the ground while Yui, Sophie, Mirei, and Laala balance on the balance beam with go game boards on their heads. "You four match your steps to the tempo and look straight ahead as you walk! Now, Punicorn, you give it a try-kuma." "Puni?" "You need a firm hand for idol training-kuma." explained Kuma. "Punicorn!" said Punicorn with determination as she took the bokken. "Puni...corn! Puni...corn! Puni...corn!" "Arigatō, Punicorn!" thanked Yui. 

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