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"okay so we really need to decide on a idea for our birthday" i sighed as the three of us sat in the media room.

we where all showered and changed into some comfy clothes. we decided that we would just watch a movie and talk. after that crazy conversation we had with Cruz we just needed to sit and talk. plus mom wanted us to plan this party and we where kinds getting side tracked with other things.

"i know we do, but i have zero ideas" Canyon huffed and slouched down in the recliner chair.

"well i mean we could have a huge party at the beach, have a bon fire and some beach games and stuff?" Cruz suggested.

"you know that's actually not such a bad idea. especially since mom and dad have that beach house we usually rent. it's only like an hour away that's not that far, plus it's private" Canyon was smiling.

"that could be cool" i agreed.

"we can get a dj and have a huge dance" Canyon suggested.

"ohh ya now where taking"Cruz smiled.

"so a sweet sixteen at the beach it is then" i looked at them for confirmation.

"yup i am down" Canyon nodded.

"so am i it's official" Cruz agreed.

"mom will be happy we finally agreed on something." i spoke the truth she has been stressed trying to plan the perfect party with out a theme.

"so we will get the invitations made up right away so we can start to hand them out." Cruz says.

"we should get matching swim trunks that say happy birthday it would be dope." Canyon grinned.

"ohh that would be so dope" Cruz agreed.

"i mean it sure it could be cool" i nodded.

"okay so it's set, we need to make a good playlist for the DJ." Cruz was right that would be important.

"okay so chocolate cake right?" i knew that they would agree, it's become a sort of tradition that we have chocolate cake on our birthday.

"duh is there any other kind worth having" Cruz was right.

"okay so now we just need to work out the guest list." Canyon spoke.

"well we will have to include at lest a fiend or to for Colton to hang out with." i suggested.

"okay we will give him two invites to hand out. i think that's plenty." Canyon decided.

"i agree" Cruz agreed.

i just nodded my head in agreement.

"okay so food, are we thinking like just stuff on the grill?" Cruz asked.

"duh mom makes the best homemade burgers, ohh and her barbecued shrimp that's a must." Canyon added.

"we got to have her chicken skewers too they are amazing" i added.

"alright then just a bunch of sides and stuff, we can work that out later. but i think this is coming along nicely." Canyon was right i don't know why we didn't try to plan this out sooner.


"so we have deiced what we want for our birthday" i announced as we all sat down at the table eating breakfast.

"oh good what is it?" mom looked excited.

"and how much is it going to cost me" Dad joked.

"we have decided on a beach party, you know at the beach house we usually rent in the summer. it's the the perfect spot. we can have a few close friends stay the night. and it will be awesome" Canyon pitched the idea.

"with a DJ and some awesome food it will be great" Cruz finished.

"well i don't think that's such a bad idea" mom was smiling.

"what do you think dad?" i looked at him for confirmation.

"i think that it's a good idea, we just need to check and make sure the house is available. and if it is then i am down." he smiled.

"awesome i love the beach house" Colton smiled.

"being the kind and caring brothers we are, we are giving you two invitations for you to invite people" Canyon informed Colton.

"cool, even though i know your doing this so i will leave you alone. but i guess it's the thought that counts" he smiled.

"can i bring a friend?" Rosie looked hopeful.

i honestly didn't even really think about Rosie having a friend to keep her company.

"we will see what we can work out." mom offered her a smile.

"okay" she nods.

"so have you thought any more about our cars?" i decided to bring up.

"your mother and i are still talking, besides your all working now you can save for own cars" dad spoke.

"it will take ages to save for our own cars" Canyon huffed.

"well that's the beauty of hard work" mom voiced.

"ya i guess" Canyon shrugged.

Colton POV
i walked into school with a smile on my face, i already know who i am inviting with my two invites. i am probably going to get bugged to know end but i didn't care.

i am going to invite Quinn, as we have really been getting to know each other. and then of course my best friend Kobe, we have been best friends since grade one. and he's pretty much been to all my family birthdays as he keeps me company. we mostly just play video games and eat cake.

"Hey Colton" Quinn smiled as i walked up to her at her locker.

"hey can i ask you something?" i smiled, i mean i could have done it threw text but i wanted to do it in person.

"of course" she smiled.

"how would you like to come with me to my brothers sweet sixteen party?" i was hoping she would says yes.

"that would be fun i am in, when and where" she was smiling.

"it's on seventh, it's in like four days. i know it's kinda last minute. but my brothers only just decided so i can under stand if you can't come" i was hoping it would work out.

"i will talk to my parents, but i don't think it should be a problem." she informed me.

"okay cool, once we get the cards. i will give you one with the address on it." i tell her.

"sounds good, thanks for inviting me." she has a slight blush to her cheeks.

"oh it's no problem. just let me know if you can make it or not. i really hope your aloud to come." i wasn't lying.

"ya me two." she says.

"alright we'll see you at lunch?" i wondered.

"of course" she nods.

we have kinds gotten close that i invited her and her fiends to sit with Kobe and i lunch. he didn't mind so it worked it's self out. which i was glad cause i want them to be able to get alone, since they are both becoming important people in my life.

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