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Cruz POV

"come on just tell me where where going already, i need to know how to dress" Sam pleaded as we where walking around the mall.

you see her birthday is two days and i am taking her out tomorrow for an early birthday celebration. i have it all planned out, i got her tickets to a play that i know she has been dying to go to. and then i we are going out to diner first.

but right now we are walking around the mall cause she wanted to find the perfect outfit to wear. and since i know where i am taking her i can help her pick. but i know nothing about girl fashion. when i told her to take Quinn, since she knew more then me. she didn't listen to me. so that's how i ended ho walking around the mall.

"i can't tell you cause then it will wreck the surprise." i smiled down at her.

"well then at least give me a hint, is it like casual or not" she wondered.

"fine just this one clue, it's not casual. and that all i am saying so don't ask me anything else." i gave her a stern look.

" okay perfect then i know the perfect store let's go" she smiled and grabbed my hand and stared to drag me towards the store.

"why don't i go into a different store and let you pick out your outfit. cause i want to be suprised when i pick you up tomorrow" i was honest.

"okay i will meet you at the Starbucks in an hour" she looked at me for comfermation.

"perfect" i nod then lean down and give her a quick kiss.

i needed to go to the Apple store, because i needed to get a new screen protector on my phone, and i wanted to get a new band for my watch. so i figured now might as well be a good as time as any.

then once that was done i decided to hit up footlocker, i have been wanting to get a new pair of shoes for a bit now. so i figured i could brows for a bit. especially since i knew Sam was going to be more than an hour.

"can i help you with anything?" a girl who looked to be about my age asked as soon as i walked into the store.

"no thanks i am just browsing" i informed her.

"well my name is Sasha and if you need anything just call me over" she had this glint in her eyes when she said anything. and i knew that she was flirting with me.

i felt uncomfortable but i wanted shoes so i kept looking. finally after a couple of minutes i found a sick pair of all grey high top Air Force ones.

"hey un do you have this in a size ten?" i questioned to the closest staff member which was thankful not Sasha, as she was busy with some other girl.

"let me go check for you" he says and went into the back storage room.

i went and sat down at the bench while i waited, then after a few seconds he came back with the box in my size.

"thanks" i smiled at him and tried on the shoes, and i was impressed. so i packed them back up and went to the cash register.

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