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Canyon POV

"are you sure i can't convince you to skip school" i groaned to Hunter as we sat in my car at the school parking lot.

"i am sure, i have a huge biology test today, and i have cheer practice. i can't skip and neither can you" she was right i just didn't want to be here.

"i know i know ugh i hate school" i groaned and leaned my head back on my seat.

"i know you do, but if you want a football scholarship then you need to go." she was right.

"i know you want to come over after school? moms making her famous pasta that i know you love." i tell her.

"mhm i will see i have to ask my parents, make sure they didn't have any plans." she tells me.

"okay" i nod.

we got out of my truck and made our way inside. i dropped Hunter off at her locker and then went to mine. and when i got there Cruz was at his. so i decided i should apologize cause i felt kinda bad.

hey so i wanted to say sorry" i said.

he looked shocked like he wasn't  expecting me to apologize, which i mean if i know i am wrong i usually do.

"alright well thanks" he kept it short and opened his locker.

"that's all you have to say?" i claimed and tried to close his locker.

"ya that's all i have to say" he didn't even look at me. i was so shocked i mean he usually has more to say then that.

i was so mad i mean i was trying to make up.

"wow okay i see how it is" i couldn't help but scoff and walk away. i didn't even get anything from my locker. but i was to mad to care.

"hey you okay?" Hunter asked as i went back to her locker.

"ya" kept it short. she didn't need to know i was in a argument with my brother.

"okay let's get to class" she smiled and we made our way to class.

classes dragged on for what felt like ever and it was finally lunch time, which i was glad cause i was starving. i sat down at our usual table and Hunter and i where the first ones there. everyone else liked to take there time.

then a few seconds after we sat down, Tyson and came and sat a cross from us.

"hey what did your mom pack for you today?" Tyson smirked. he was always trying to steal my lunch.

"eat your own lunch, your always trying to steal my food" i rolled my eyes at him.

"ya that's cause the food here sucks" he scrunched his nose up.

"well then start making your own lunch" i tell him as i pulled out my chicken cesar wrap.

"that takes to much time" he scoffed.

"hey" Denver called out as he sat down, with Cruz and Sam behind him.

"hey" i didn't look at them.

"ugh that class felt like it dragged on forever" i heard Kayla huff.

"i know it was so boring" CJ agreed and they both sat down.

"I know Mr. Barry is so boring i have him after lunch" Sam voiced.

"oh his voice is just so moniton that i just want to fall asleep" Kayla says.

"oh i totally agree with you on that one" Sam smiled.

i finally looked over towards Cruz, but he was looking at Sam. but he must have felt my gaze caused he looked a me for a split second then turned away. fine if that's how he wants it to be then so be it. i apologized so there isn't really much that can be done.

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