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"I am glad that you guys made up I don't like it when you guys are fighting" Mom smiled as we sat down around the table for breakfast. 

"so am I" I agreed with Mom I hate when we fight cause I don't like the idea of there being someone that has to pick a side.

"ya it's a good thing I guess" Canyon downplayed it, but I know that he was just messing around.

because I know he's glad too, Cruz I am not sure. I still think that he has some kind of grudge. but he's at least acting better than he was the other day. I mean it's like the saying, it's easier to forgive than forget.

"so what are you going to do for Sams's birthday tonight" I heard Mom ask Cruz.

"taking her out to diner and then we are going to see some play that's out that she has been wanting to go to" he voiced.

"oh well, I am sure she will love that" Mom smiled at him.

"ya I hope so" He looked down at his plate of eggs.

"what about you two, any plans with your other half tonight?" Dad looked at Canyon and me.

"ya Kayla's brother is coming home for a bit so I was invited for diner," I tell them.

"well that's nice, how's he liking med school," Mom asked.

"he likes it just a lot of school work," I informed her.

"what about you Canyon," Mom asked him.

"not sure yet" he shrugged.

"Well, Quinn and I are going to the movies just so you know" Colton added.

"no fair I want to do something tonight too" Rosie puffed.

"Why don't we go and get ice cream later" Mom suggested easing her jealousy.

"Really" she smiled.

"sure" Mom nods.

"awesome" Rosie happily took a bite of her eggs.

"so you won't be home for diner then I assume" Mom questioned.

"ya if that's okay" I mean I didn't think to ask for precision but I probably should have.

"yes just be home by midnight" Dad declared.

"promise" I nodded.

once we finished breakfast we all started to get ready for the day.

"Hey, do you have my black and grey t-shirt in here?" Canyon questioned as he barged into my room.

"knock much" I rolled my eyes.

"sorry my bad, but I can't find my shirt and thought Mom might have mixed it up." he reasoned.

"Nah I don't think so, try Cruz maybe" I suggested.

"ya I guess, so what are you and Kayla doing? maybe we could hang out?" he questioned.

"sorry I would but, her brother is in town. so we will be at her house. but maybe tomorrow then we can invite Cruz" I wondered.

"ya maybe, I guess Hunter and I can do something," he says.

"ya," I wasn't sure what else to say.

I finished getting ready so I could head out to Kayla's house. As I was about to head to my car I saw Canyon sitting in his car with his phone in hand. I knocked on his window to get his attention.

"what's up?" he opened the door so he could hear me.

"why are you sitting in your car?" I questioned him.

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