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I ran back home feeling down, I was hurt by his words. His words kept repeating on my mind and tears were flowing out of my eyes rapidly, being able to make a pool. The tears were getting dry as the wind hits my face.

His words were sharper than knifes, stabbing into my wounds repeatedly. My mind was blank, darkness and disparity was filled and roamed all over my mind. I couldn't help myself but to just, let it out, on my way home, in front of everyone.

After being numb for a few minutes, the happy moments that I had made with him recalled on my mind making me smile through the pain.

When he took care of me when I wasn't okay, when he tickled me when I stole his phone for fun. Was it a part of his plan to hurt me? Did they team up together to make me feel more miserable? Why was I born with a soft heart? This world is unfair!

Third Person POV ~

Soohyung was on her way back home but she was in very deep thought. Without noticing, she reached the crossroad and a red light was shown. She walked straight and a car was speeding towards her direction. The driver tried their best to slow the car but he failed and hit her with a huge impact. She was on the crossroad covered in her own pool of blood. She snapped back into reality and tried to get back up but her vision was very blurry and everyone around her were all very concerned.

Meanwhile Jimin was at the front door of Soohyung's house. He turned the door knob to the right and it opened revealing the living room. He was walking to Soohyung's room but Jin noticed him and asked him why she wasn't here yet.

"She isn't here yet? Where could she be then?" Jimin said, his eyes were full of worries.

He felt bad doing all of this to her. He had loved her all along, but there was someone in their way. Alice threatened him that if he doesn't love her, she will kill Soohyung's brother.

If he doesn't do it, Jin hyung would be killed and Sihyun would be hurt.

If he does it, everyone would be safe but Sihyun would be upset and mad at him so he took the safe path but he has to go and apologize to her.

Jin's phone rang and it was na unknown number. Jin picked his phone up and answered the call.

Soon after, he rushed.out of the kitchen and took the car keys. Jin told him that she was in the hospital and Jimin quickly got up and went to the car with Jin.

Jimin POV ~

What did she do when I wasn't with her? How did she ended up in the hospital when she was just okay a minute ago? I have to tell the others about it.

Jin started the car and I sat in the front passenger seat while Yoongi tagged along and he was sitting in the back.

"I have to tell you guys something that is related to Soohyung and I" I said.

"Jimin, What did you do to her?" Jin hyung asked me.

"Jimin, What did you do?" Yoongi hyung started to speak up in the backseat after I didn't answer Jin's question.

I told them the whole situation I was in and they understood me but Jin spoke up.

"I would die for her to be happy." Jin hyung said.

"But after you die, she would just target someone else" I said.

"He got a point hyung." Yoongi added.

We all arrived at the hospital Sihyun was in and she was in the Emergency room. After waiting for 10 minutes, A doctor came out and told us the condition she is in.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He said as he bowed down.

"We weren't with her when she was injured but what happened to her?" Jin hyung asked the question that all of us have been wondering.

"According to the ones who witnessed the accident, she was walking on the crossword when the light were still red and a car was speeding towards her direction." The doctor answered.

"I'm sorry for your loss once again." He bowed again and walked away.

We were all too shocked to realize what was going on with our surroundings.

"Soohyung, I'm sorry!" I screamed. "I'm sorry for doing this to you! I'm really sorry!" I was on my knees, begging her to come back.

Jin POV ~

I was shocked by the news. As the oldest brother just like last time, I took care of the younger ones first. "Sihyun, stay safe with dad and mom. Mom and dad, please take care of her." I said as my tears flowed down across my face.

I have lost the person I miss the most. I lost my only sister.

When I turned to Jimin, He was crying all out.

"Yoongi, are you crying too?" I asked, trying to brighten up the mood because I know he wouldn't admit that he actually did.

"I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweaty" Yoongi replied.

I know it is not the situation to laugh but I couldn't hold it. I was laughing out loud when Jimin was just standing there not knowing anything since he was busy crying.

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