"Don't worry, just enjoy the show." She says with a thumbs up towards them.

The female faced her opponents and started cracking her knuckles, ready for a fight.

"Let's fucking dance." She says as she held her head high and looked down at the filthy bastards.

"You fucking bitch!!" A guy yelled out towards her, his arm in a stance that he was about to punch her.

(Y/n) got a hold of his fist and she turned so that his arm was now behind his back, the female then bent the arm where it's capable of bending and a loud crunching sound was heard.

The volleyball players flinched from the painful scene and cringed at the sight of his broken arm.

"AHHH!! MY FUCKING ARM!!" The guy screams out in pain as his arm was now broken.

"Be quiet, you're disturbing the neighbors." (Y/n) coldly says as she kicked the guy's back towards the concrete.

She lets go of the arm and harshly stomped on it repeatedly, painful cries could be heard from the male under her and he eventually passed out from the pain.

She turned around and two guys with knives were running over to her, she got off the guy and ran to them head on.

She grabbed one of the guy's wrist and twisted it painfully, which got him to let go of the knife.

"ACK—!" The guy let out as he looked at his twisted wrist.

The other guy who had a knife was getting closer to (Y/n), once he was at a reasonable distance from her.

She kicks her right leg upward which got the knife to be kicked out of his hand, (Y/n) then focused herself on the guy she was holding onto and kept her guard up with the guy near her.

She pulled the guy who's wrist was still in her hand closer to her and harshly kicked his shin.

"GUHK-!" The guy painfully let out.

Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Bokuto winced from the action (Y/n) did, on instinct they protectively covered their parts.

 The guy collapsed on his knees and his hands held his probably now broken dick. (Y/n) felt her back becoming tingly so she immediately ducked.

The other guy from before flew over her and was about to land on the ground, that was until (Y/n) got a hold of his ankle and slammed him to a nearby wall, which got him to be knocked out.

There was one last guy that (Y/n) forgot about and was able to grab ahold of her, the volleyball players were surprised to see him.

"(Y/n)-!" They all exclaimed.

Kuroo and Bokuto were about to attack the guy, until (Y/n) bent forward and body slammed the shit out of the guy.

"KUHK-!" The guy let out a strained and pained sound as he got harshly slammed onto the concrete.

"You got some nerve to touch me with those filthy fucking hands, you little piece of shit." (Y/n) angrily says as she stomped repeatedly onto his shin.

Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi, were now putting both of their hands onto their parts as they continued to watch (Y/n) stomp over the delinquents very damaged dick.

The guy let out very painful moans and the 4 guys could no longer watch and turned their heads away from the scene, they just hoped (Y/n) would stop quickly.

'Lord, help me to not make (Y/n) angry at me.' Kuroo thought as he comically cried.

'I'm never going to think about getting in her way of getting food.' Bokuto thought as his face was crunched up from the painful screams he heard.

'That's painful.' Akaashi thought, his face a bit crunched up.

'Glad to know (Y/n) is fond of me, playing minecraft with her was a good idea.' Kenma thought with relief as his eyes were wide open and a bit shook from (Y/n)'s dick crushing attack.

Though despite what they thought, they admitted that (Y/n) looked so very cool from fighting the delinquents.

The way her body moved swiftly, was like she was doing a dance. Her movements were both cool and beautiful.

They were amazed by how awesome the female was, she was very much capable from protecting herself, and that dick crushing attack she did proved it.

A couple minutes passed by and Kuroo had to stop (Y/n) from destroying the dick any longer, she got so into it, Kuroo had to step in.

"Oh sorry, I got too into it." (Y/n) said as she stepped back from the knocked out body.

The female grabbed her bag back from her brother and picked up her necktie from the ground, as she placed her tie into her bag, she felt something warm around her shoulders.

"Your clothes got wet, and it's getting dark, you'll be cold!" Bokuto said with his big smile as he placed his jersey jacket on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"Thanks, Kotaro." The female replied with a smile.

(Y/n) didn't like how her wet clothes felt on her skin so she started to unzip her skirt, the guys were very much surprised that they turned away and covered their eyes.

"W-What are you doing?!" Kuroo said in a flustered tone as he covered his eyes with his hands.

He didn't want to see (Y/n) bare since he saw her as his younger sister and that was just weird.

"I'm removing the wet clothes off me, they feel disgusting on my skin." She explains.

The guys didn't know that she was wearing spandex shorts underneath and (Y/n) didn't say anything since she didn't notice them covering their vision.

She eventually unbuttoned her shirt and removed her blazer, she was wearing a tank top underneath so everything was fine.

She shoved her wet clothes into her bag and zipped up Bokuto's jacket around her body.

The female then looks up at the males and noticed they were looking away.

"Why are you guys looking away?? It's not like I'm in my underwear." (Y/n) said which made her raise a brow.

The guys looked over to (Y/n) and saw she was wearing spandex shorts and Bokuto's jacket which was half-zipped up.

'She was had shorts underneath...' The guys thought as they looked at the black shorts (Y/n) was wearing.

They eventually started heading over to Domino and both Bokuto and Kuroo held the (h/c) head female close to them protectively, not wanting another incident to happen.

(Y/n) didn't mind it since one was her actual older brother and the other was like an older brother to her.

In the end they got their pizza and enjoyed their time inside the restaraunt.







Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!!

Stay tuned for the next oneeee!!



~Nekochinchin :3

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