Chapter 9

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The entire Sunday, Sarah went through the details of her dream over and over again. It was the most bizarre dream so far, and she had really gone through some bizarre dreams already. She considered reaching out to Dr. Howard and, but there was no reason for that. There was nothing he could say to answer her main question. Was it real?

The only way to know the answer was seeing that woman with her own eyes. Why did she have to choose a whole week? How was she supposed to get anything done for an entire week while constantly thinking about the woman? Ali.

However, a part of her knew she didn't need Dr. Howard, or anybody for that matter, to answer her question. She knew the answer. It WAS real. She couldn't lie to herself. Her dreams were real and prophetic, and there was nothing anybody could say to make her think different. However, something she couldn't answer herself was Ali's answer. Why did I call her to my dreams? What kind of help do I need from her?

The next day she was very spaced out at work. She had struggled to sleep. There were few dreams, but nothing big, just again some random dreams of random people, in random places and doing random things. So random!

"Good morning," Damon stepped into her office.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Are you alright, you seem like you didn't sleep," he seemed concerned and put a hand on her cheek. "Want to talk about something?"

"I am fine; I just couldn't sleep as well as I would've liked to," she said while moving folders around and opening documents in her screen.

"Let me guess! You were too excited by our date, weren't you? Or was it the kiss? Sorry, my bad," he said pouching his lips.

"OH MY GOD, stop it. We are at the office," she blushed.

"Ok," he smiled. "I am sorry. It's hard to keep it mature." He walked out of her office.

"I can see," she smiled as he left.

Back in privacy, she tried to set her attention on her work, but Ali was still in her mind.

"Sarah. You have a couple of folders here for some new projects that need review. Are you ready to see them now or do you have some other things to work on?" Tania's voice came in the phone.

"Umm, no, I need to finish some things first."

"Ok, I'll keep them here."

What is happening to me? The question brought a stranger sensation to her body, a vibration. She usually could get all her work done within hours, but recently her productivity had been falling behind. Maybe I am losing my motivation? She reclined in her chair and looked outside her window. The office was on the eighth floor. She could see the cars moving around, people going through their daily life. Am I not enjoying my job anymore? Agronomy was her passion, but she had learned to enjoy her job and it felt unfair to do less than what she was capable of.

"I should get this done," she turned around and focused on her work for four hours straight until two of the projects were completed. Now, that's better.

She pressed a button on her phone. "Tania, I have space for the two other projects, you can drop the folders."

By the end of Tuesday she had caught up with all her work. She didn't have any dreams that night. Wednesday was a very uneventful day. The highlight of her day, of every day, was that she was getting closer to the day she could meet Ali. Only three more days.

Her phone vibrated, she took a look at the screen and smiled at Damon's name. Hello there, the message said.

She texted back: You are silly, you could just come over.

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