Chapter Three - extra

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"C'mon guys, do your business."

I opened our sliding door on the back deck and let Butter and Peanut out in the garden. They both scrabbled off. Butter started doing his routine running laps around the pool while Peanut began sniffing on the grass, finding a good spot to take some deuce.

I was in the middle of choosing what cereal I wanted when Travie stepped inside the kitchen. He was wearing a navy blue sweater, dark jeans, and blue Nikes. He had his black Nike baseball cap on and his backpack was slung on his right shoulder.

"Good mornin', Travie," I greeted. I was wearing a white t-shirt with different kinds of flowers embroidered on it (my friend Crystal's gift to me last Christmas), my favorite brown Corduroy pants which I rolled just above my ankles so that my yellow stripped socks will show while I was wearing my trusted white converse.

"Mornin'," he replied, pulled one of the high stools on the kitchen island and took a seat.

"Dad told me that I'll ride with you today."

We were both attending the same high school anyway. And since Travie had a car, I think it's just right to share ride with him. Save the environment and all.

"Yeah, sure."

Moments later, mom and dad joined us in the kitchen. Both of them were already in their working clothes.

"Good morning, kids," dad hailed as he saw us perched on the stool eating cereal (Coco Puffs for me, Fruit Loops for Travie). He made a beeline towards the coffee machine where I'd just freshly brewed his favorite Hawaiian coffee a few minutes ago.

"Did you have a good sleep, Travie?" mom asked.

"Yes, I did," the brunet replied, looking up from his cereal bowl and nodded his head.

Mom smiled. "That's good. Listen, if you need anything, don't be shy to tell us, okay?"

"I will. Thanks, Vik."

My parents ate their breakfast in a hurry, then kissed us goodbye as they both left for work. I finally let Butter and Peanut inside to give them their breakfast.

Travie eyed them warily as they'd entered the kitchen.

It was then I decided to show him what I'd pulled an all-nighter last night.

"So, um, Travie before we leave," I said, pulling out my laptop inside my Kanken and setting it down on the kitchen island. "I wanted to show you something."

He gave me a curious look as he rinsed our bowls and mugs on the sink before putting it on the dishwasher.

"Sure, what is it?" he queried.

"It's about your comment about dogs last night," I said. "I heard you say you hate dogs and it was bothering me all night so made a power point presentation on why you should love them."

Call it extra, but this is how my brother and I would convince our parents for things they disapproved on. And it always worked all the time.

I was hoping it would work to Travie as well.

"Are you being serious about this?" Travie asked incredulously. His jaw dropped to the floor as I faced my laptop screened towards him, making him see the first slide of my presentation.


a presentation by Gwen Rivera


I put a hand on my hips. "Dead serious," I said, raising my chin slightly. "And I just can't see you live here when you have any aversion towards my pets."

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