Chapter Twelve - sandwich gang

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CHAPTER TWELVE – sandwich gang

The doorbell rang.

"That must be them!" Mom said, getting rid of her apron which has candy cane all over it in a swift movement and rushed towards the door.

My brother, Glenn, my cousins and I were left in the kitchen as we ladled the food mom and Aunt Dee cooked in their serving platter.

A second later, I heard a squeal in the living room followed by laughter.

After I placed the plate of steaming green bean casserole on the table, I went to the living where the commotion was held.

I saw my mom holding hands with Cynthia; they were talking to each other excitedly, their eyes bright and merry while Sam and my dad were talking beside them.

A second later, Travie came inside with a huge paper bag on one hand and box of cake on the other hand.

He smiled at me as he caught my eye and I beamed back. Butter and Peanut rushed towards him in excitement before I even reached him and began jumping on him for kisses.

"Lemme help you there, Trav," I said, grabbing the box of cake he was holding.

"Thanks," he said, and bended over to Butter and Peanut's height. They began slobbering him with kisses as he petted them.

I laughed. "They missed you."

"I missed you guys, too." He looked up at me and smiled. "Anyway, these are your guys presents."He glanced down on the huge paper bag he was holding. "Shall I put them under the tree?"

"Yes, please."

"Hey, there Trav," Glenn hailed, giving the brunet that typical one arm hug that men usually do when they see each other. "Long time no see."

"Indeed. Long time no see," Travie said, grinning at my brother. "How's Brown, dude?"


After we had our Christmas Eve dinner, it was time to exchanged presents. We found our seats in the living room. I sat on one of the floor cushion between my cousin Jenn and Travie.

Travie picked up two presents under the tree and handed it to me. "For you."

"Thanks Travie," I said, grinning. I opened the smallest one first and it was a small heart necklace.

"Aww, Travie this is so cute!" I said.

"Look inside the center of the heart with your phone camera," he instructed.

I fetched my phone inside my pocket and examined the inside of the necklace with my phone camera and I gasped. "Oh my God! It's Peanut and Butter!"

It was a photo of them on the park, sitting next to each other.

"I love it! Thank you so much Travie!"I said and gave him a hug.

"Okay, my turn. Travie this is for you." I grinned as I handed Travie his presents.

He opened the first paper bag and pulled out a shirt. He exhaled a laughed as he raised it to examine the print. And turned it so that our family could see and they laughed.

It was a grey t-shirt that says in bold print "THIS IS MY DOG WALKING SHIRT".

"Now you have your very own dog walking t-shirt," I said with a beam.

"Thanks, Gwen," he replied, amusement filled his eyes.

"Open the second present! That's from Butter and Peanut," I said. And added, "Butter especially."

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