"What troubles you so? Your face is so pale" She asks as she stands up and walks over to the girl, she does care deeply for her and wants to make sure that she is all right and not just because she is her Princess and she is of Royal blood but because she came to think of the girl as her child and cares for her as her own. Even when knowing that Isolde doesn't belong to her. "How come none had told me that bathing would be much harder than I had believed it to be, there ought to be a book of how to do it perfectly and right" The Princess speaks.

The words alone make the woman burst out into laughter as all worry in her head just washes away like rain, knowing that nothing seems to bother the girl when she says something like that. The pale green-eyed girl eyes the woman carefully, wondering how she was able to tell that she was almost disturbed for she cannot help that there is someone watching her from afar yet doesn't see anyone when looking around. Perhaps she is falling into madness, it is known for Royals to eventually go mad.

Her great-grandfather had fallen to madness until her grandfather had killed him and made sure the kingdom did not fall apart. King and Queens of the past have a long history of going mad and none know why but all Royals can fall to and she fears that she is becoming a victim in that cruel fate that could be waiting for her with open arms. "My dear, I will need you to gather some herbs for me before we will no longer be able to use them for in some weeks they will be gone from the winter's snow" Agatha speaks as she hands her a cloth.

Isolde smiles and nods her head and goes out of the house. She knows how to gather herbs for her sister, Elizabeth has an interest in gardening and plants which fascinated the brown haired Princess and she used to tell her all about plants and what is used for cooking and what is used for killing. She used to help her pick them and admire how there are always in different shapes and yet some taste the same. Though while Isolde has no interest in gardening she does intent to use that knowledge she has to find herbs.

The warm sun is coming up and heat everything that the rays touches and a smile comes to Isolde's face once she's outside, of course she tries her hardest to not think of what had happened only a few hours before and would rather not speak about them so as she head out with a cloth in her hand to keep the herbs in the girl has a smile on her face to show that it is a new day and new beginnings that are awaiting her.

Kneeling down to the ground and picking herbs, though carefully examining each one she then lays it gently down to the cloth that she has spread out. "One might say my brother would not be pleased with your actions" A voice comes from behind her, startling her. Biting hard down on her own teeth to keep herself from jumping up she groans as she turns around to see Poseidon or Thomas as she calls him now. "One might say I am not pleased with your actions" She speaks to him, though trying to hold back her anger to lash out at him.

He rolls his eyes as he is leaning against a tree. She notices that he wears clothes that are something that she has never seen before as she finds that by the look of them they have to be expensive, though he is not sure how expensive it is or it it can be in her same class status or below her, she doesn't know which one he is. "One might but one won't" He says and smirks at her which really doesn't make her mood any better for she is still annoyed with him. Though in a split second she wonders if she is going mad and he is only what her mind has created, an illusion.

"Why have you come here? I am highly certain that a man such as yourself must have responsibilities during the day and cannot waste them following a girl who would rather not be in his presence" She asks him, trying to sound as happy as she can when in truth she just wants to do something wicked to him, though she's not sure how since he is a Demon from Hell and might be trying to take her down for what she has done over the years.

Isolde still sits on the ground and looks down at what she is doing as she focuses on that but he isn't going to leave her alone as he sits down next to her. Her pale green eyes look up at him and one cannot miss the glare that she sends him and nor will he ignore it as he can only chuckle. "I can do many things at a time, get to know me and you might see" He says and she nearly chokes when she realizes what he meant but then she rolls her eyes.

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