{M}♚ "ι кησω ωнαт уσυ'яє тнιηкιηg~" ♚

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『 theme song 』
Gold - Imagine Dragons

『 aesthetic 』


『 name 』

『 full name 』
Oakley Charles Blackburn

『 nickname(s) 』
◦ Beta
◦ Rouge
◦ Wolf

『 name meaning 』
Oakley; meadow of oak trees
Charles; free man
Blackburn; muddy stream


『 sex 』

『 gender 』
Male; he/him

『 sexuality 』

『 age 』
20 years old

『 birthday 』
February 11th

『 zodiac 』


『 species/breed 』
Arctic Wolf Shifter

『 ethnicity 』

『 accent 』
Northern American

『 face claim 』
Abdulaye Niang

『 appearance 』Oak is 6"4 and muscular, in peak physical condition

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『 appearance 』
Oak is 6"4 and muscular, in peak physical condition. He has dark skin and heterochromic eyes, the left one chestnut brown and the right one forest green. His hair is a dark brown with streaks of white, usually kept in dreadlocks. His wolf form is large with white fur, some brown and tan splotches throughout his body.

『 tattoos/piercings/scars 』
◦ a tattoo of a wolf paw print on his right arm

『 clothes 』
He likes wearing layered and generally colorful clothing.

『 possessions 』
◦ a necklace with a canine tooth charm dipped in purple and black ink


『 weapon(s) 』
He relies completely on his supernatural abilities.

『 paranormal/supernatural abilities 』
Oak can shift into his wolf form painlessly and with ease, and is considered to be very strong and fairly agile while in this form.


『 personality 』
Oak is very full of himself; if he wants something then he will get it. He believes that he is better than pretty much anyone, and he is very blunt and direct about his feelings and motives. He can be very convincing and manipulative towards others, and has a history of selfishness and apathy towards others. He jokes around a lot but can also be blatantly serious about topics that matter to him. He is controlling and even abusive towards most people, and over most things. Oak can be described as guarded, constantly paranoid that someone is going to come after him, and therefore has trained himself to not trust people very easily. He can also lie with ease, and with actual genuinity to his words. However, he bonds well to likeminded people and is able to gain higher levels of tolerance towards others.

『 likes 』
◦ being in control of the situation
◦ fidgeting with his necklace
◦ the woods
◦ scaring people
◦ Starbucks
◦ getting high
◦ roses

『 dislikes 』
◦ being denied what he wants
◦ avocados
◦ his ex-pack
◦ his parents

『 fears 』
◦ losing his abilities
◦ being majorly showed up

『 alignment 』
Chaotic Evil

『 medical issues 』


『 family 』
◦ Aspen; younger sister

『 pets 』

『 backstory 』
Oak was always a bit peculiar as a pup. He wouldn't let anyone near his things and he was prone to violent outbursts towards other kids. He was very selfish and manipulative, causing concern to his parents and the pack Alpha. His only friend was his sister. As he grew older he discovered his powers, but quickly realized that they were abnormal, and kept them to himself. Except for, of course, Aspen. They came up with a plan to cause destruction and downfall to the entire pack, but it only worked slightly before he was stopped. Many shifters died, and he was swifty banned from the pack while Aspen was demoted.

『 occupation 』

『 position 』


『 playlist 』
'oak blackburn' on spotify


『 roleplay scenarios 』

Scenario 1: (Any OC)

You were a regular at Starbucks, and almost constantly you would see a young male sitting by the window, peering at everyone in the shop with narrowed eyes and a small smirk. This particular time, you lock eyes with him. His smile only widens, and he sets down his book before swiftly heading over to you. You...

Scenario 2: (Canine/Shifter OC)

You had heard of both Oak and Aspen, although being in a different pack. Word traveled fast. It had already been a few years since the incident, but the very thought of him made you nervous. So, imagine your horror when you are patrolling the territory one night and you spot the man himself, staring at you out of the darkness. You...

Scenario 3: (Any OC)

Create your own!


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