{FTM} ✧ "ιтѕ ƒιηє, ∂ση'т ωσяяу" ✧

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『 theme song 』
This Is Home - Cavetown

『 aesthetic 』


『 name 』

『 full name 』
Calvin {Allison} Lynn Sawyer

『 nickname(s) 』
◦ Alli
◦ Angel

『 name meaning 』
Calvin; bald
Allison; truth, noble
Lynn; beautiful
Sawyer; woodcutter


『 sex 』

『 gender 』
Male; he/him

『 sexuality 』

『 age 』
17 years old

『 birthday 』
November 2nd

『 zodiac 』


『 species/breed 』

『 ethnicity 』

『 accent 』
Northern American

『 face claim 』
Miles McKenna

『 appearance 』Cal is 5"2 and an average weight

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『 appearance 』
Cal is 5"2 and an average weight. His stomach is flat despite some baby fat on his cheeks, and he has a feminine body type, which causes a lot of dysphoria. His hair is a dark brownish color, short at the side with a bunch of fluffy curls on the top. His eyes are a light blue. He hasn't had any transitional surgeries yet, and has been taking testosterone shots weekly for the past year.

『 tattoos/piercings/scars 』
◦ two large scars perpendicular to his spine that are just past his shoulder blades
◦ basic earlobe piercing

『 clothes 』
Cal loves oversized sweaters and hoodies, along with sweatpants. Anything that's comfortable and loose fitting. He also tries to have a binder on at all times while in public.

『 possessions 』


『 weapon(s) 』

『 paranormal/supernatural abilities 』
Cal currently has absolutely no powers whatsoever, although he was born an angel, with wings and basic angelic powers.


『 personality 』
Cal is timid and shy around others, he doesn't speak unless spoken to. Even then, he tends to stutter a lot and mumble his words. He is accepting of help and friendliness, although he may be a bit skeptical at first. He is naive and a bit too trusting for his own good. He hardly ever gains the courage to speak his mind, but when he does he lashes out severely. He can't seem to find a middle ground, things seem very black and white to him. He is very emotional and bad at hiding it, which he sees as a flaw. He is book smart and gets straight As in school, but does struggle to make and keep friends.

『 likes 』
◦ sitting in the back
of class
◦ hoodies
◦ rainy days
◦ oversized clothes
◦ looking at the stars
◦ cafés
◦the ocean

『 dislikes 』
◦ loud voices
◦ crowds
◦ gym class

『 fears 』
◦ being betrayed
◦ arachnids
◦ weapons of any kind

『 alignment 』
Lawful Neutral

『 medical issues 』
◦ social anxiety


『 family 』
◦ Abigail/Abby; twin sister
◦ Kaitlyn/Katie; older sister
◦ Felix; father
◦ Rebecca; mother

『 pets 』

『 backstory 』
Cal's older sister, Katie, is currently in college, and she is the one who helped him through his transition when the rest of the family shunned him and told him that it was just a phase, that he had to be mistaken. They still refer to him with female pronouns and only call him by his deadname. The entire family consists of angels. When Cal was a bit younger, around 15 or 16, he was flying home during a horrid thunderstorm. He was struck by lightning, and woke up on the wet ground in the middle of the night. His wings were gone, and he couldn't access his abilities anymore.

『 occupation 』
High School Senior

『 position 』


『 playlist 』
'cal sawyer' on Spotify


『 roleplay scenarios 』

Scenario 1: (Male, Student OC)

After a long day of classes, you finish out the day with gym. After packing your things up and exiting the building, you realize you left your phone in the locker room. Sighing, you head back in to get it. Everyone had already gone home, so you are surprised to hear a shower running as you step into the boys locker room. Soft singing echoes through the room. You...

Scenario 2: (Violent Student OC)

You had been bullying Cal since freshman year of high school. Then, you find out you are moving to a new house in the area. Once you are all moved in, you hear that there's a kid across the street who goes to your school. So, you walk over to say hello and after you knock on the door, it swings open to reveal Cal standing there. You...

Scenario 3: (Student OC)

After getting a hall pass from the teacher, you walk out into the hallway and head over to the bathroom. As you round the corner, you hear yelling and see Cal slammed against a wall of lockers, his books spilled out across the ground. There was a male pinning him there by the throat, shouting in his face. You...

Scenario 4: (Any OC) {features max murphy}

One rainy night, you're walking home from running some errands, rushing through the pouring raindrops as quickly as you can. Flashes of lightning illuminate the sky and the street you're running down. One of these flashes reveal to you two figures down the block. One's laying on the ground, while the other stands over them, a light glow emoting from their hands. You...

Scenario 5: (Any OC)

Create your own!


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