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✎ O N E
>grammer, punctuation, literacy<
Since this is a semi-literate roleplay, please please PLEASE use correct grammer, punctuation, spelling, all that good stuff. I would really like it if you did 4+ lines for each reply. I understand that we all get lazy sometimes, but that still doesn't give you an excuse to do this: "he smiled." Like.... just have each reply a decent length please. No one liners. By the way, if you're one of those people who reply with 20+ lines and don't break it into paragraphs, i must ask that you do. My brain just cant handle a wall of text.

✎ T W O
>jumping into other roleplays<
I have personally never encountered this, and I hope I never do, but just in case... Please don't jump into other peoples chains/roleplays! This is an individual roleplay.

✎ T H R E E
>roleplay perspective<
I am only allowing roleplaying in third person, since I have a burning hatred for asterisks and first person.

✎ F O U R
You are free to tag me as much as you want, since I'm a forgetful little sh*t.

✎ F I V E
Haha, yes. There are passwords. The first password is to tag two people who you think would enjoy this. The second is to give me an example of your roleplaying style.

✎ S I X
This is an lgbtq+ roleplay! So, if you are looking for a romantic arc and you make a female oc, you must pick a female oc to roleplay with. If you make a male oc, you must pick a male oc to roleplay with. If you're not doing a romance roleplay, then this rule and rule seven does not apply!

✎ S E V E N
>bottoms/ukes, switches/sekes, tops/semes<
I will be using the above terminology, if you don't know what they mean feel free to ask. Basically, if you roleplay with a top/seme, you HAVE to roleplay with a bottom/uke. THAT IS THE RULE! DONT MAKE ME HUNT YOU DOWN AND STAB YOU!! Also, my sekes are a thing. So. Yeah.

✎ E I G H T
>smut, cursing<
Here's the part where if you know me irl, LEAVE! I have read the Wattpad guidelines that everyone in the roleplaying community is so terrified of, and I have discovered that as long as your roleplay isn't entirely smut, and you have the mature content rating on, than Wattpad will, most likely, NOT delete your roleplay. So, smut is allowed, and so is cursing. I will be censoring my curses with either asterisks or changing the symbol, but you are free to swear like a sailor if you'd like. I know I swear a lot!

✎ N I N E
I will be denying some forms, since I won't be roleplaying with a character I don't like. If this happens {which it probably won't because I'm too nice for my own good} than tag me again or make a new form or tweak your character a bit.

✎ T E N
>have fun<
Have fun! I worked really hard on this, so please enjoy!

✎ E L E V E N
>viewer discretion advised<
There are many adult and mature subjects in this book, including; depression, self harm, attempted sucide, abuse, rape, sexual assault, possession, bullying, etc. So, be warned. Do not roleplay if you are not comfortable with dealing with these subjects. I will be putting trigger warnings for the particularly bad stuff in the beginnings of the chapters so if you see those than you'll know what they mean.

dandelion // semi-literate lgbtq roleplayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon