"I—I want to...talk about that night..."

When that words escaped my mouth she immediately pushed me away by the shoulder and walked towards the door with fast pace that made me sprint for dear life to catch up with her and her long stride.

I just want to talk it over with her. I want her to say if she was being genuine about what she's been doing and acting since we meet, about that night, about the kiss, about if she really mean what she said and told me.

I want confirmation. I want her confirmation.

I immediately grab a hold of her hand but she swiftly pried it away with full force.

She stared at me with cold cold eyes and it felt like a thousand dagger was hitting my heart again and again.

She was so cold that everyone would probably tremble in her eyes but I don't want this opportunity to waste because I know in the depths of my mind that this night was probably gonna be the last chance to get a confirmation from her about what's been bugging me this past week.

She froze on her stand and I too was and we stayed that way for a long while before she eventually opened and closed the door in my face.

I sighed to myself.


I watched both Allison and Alistair talked animatedly after chugging their milk and talk some more after that.

"She's been holding my hands every time she was near and it was weird Mom..."

I nodded at Alistair absentmindly while patting his head subconsciously.

"Mommy, Alistair is being mean to Tiffany again..."

"I am not! She's just weird, that's all..."

"It's—it's the same as being mean you know..."

"It's not, right Mom..."


My thoughts were interrupted as I glanced at the faces of my twins who looked concerned and worried as they slowly both walked towards me and held my hands, each of them both.

"Mom is something the matter...?"

I shook my head while smiling and hugging the both of them in my arms.

"Hmmm...it's nothing and besides... both of you two are more than enough for me..."

They looked at me confusedly then looked at each other as if they'd been talking telepathically because they nodded their head in agreement.

"Is this because of the person you're in love with Mommy...?"

That got my attention as I stared at both of them stunned.

"W—what do you mean?"

They gave me this solemn looked on their faces before they smile both of me, their smile told me that they know something about me.

"Is it Aunt Kate?"

"No Alistair, it's Aunt Cassandra...am I right Mommy?"

I sat frozen on my seat at their words as they both smiled and played at my fingers like it was a playful and funny thing to do.

"H—how...?", I asked breathless.

They stared at each other smiling then at me and shrugged both their shoulders.

"We just guessed Mommy...",Allison smiled now poking my cheeks with her small index finger.

"But the way you reacted, I guess we're right...", Alistair added smiling the same as his younger twin sister.

I contemplated their words while I sat not moving in my seat and just thought about what I really want and what's best for now. What's best for me, what's best for my kids, what's best for everyone.

As I was still thinking I heard my phone buzzed a few times on the table and saw I already had a few missed calls from Alexander.

I called him again and waited for him to answered.

A while later he answered it. The tone on his voice and how he didn't greeted me made me bursts into seriousness.

"Lillian! Calli crashed into a bridge! We're now in the hospital!"


"What room number was Cassandra Collins Foster in?!?"

My voice was raised high that the nurse face contorts into annoyance and slight confusion but she checked nevertheless and gave to me.

"Er, room 555 on the 7th floor Ms."

I nodded and thanked her as I sprinted towards the elevator faster than I anticipated and pushed the button anxiously, wishing that it would bring me faster to 7th floor where the love of my life was right now.

I hope no something worst happened to her because for some reason I totally and definitely won't forgive myself and for the reason that I was still as deeply, madly and hopelessly in love at her and nothing could change that.

I would asked her and her confirmation about the other night if there's a chance and possibility that she maybe feel the same as me and was genuine about it.

But if she was just drunk and that kiss was a mistake and her words too that she said because she mistaken me for someone else she loved then I would accept it whole heartedly even if it would risk me another heart break.

Just pleased let her be okay dear universe. I'm more than happy for her to see her smiling and happy in work or with someone else.

I pushed open the door to her room door and saw her lying on her bed unconscious as a white bandage was on her head.

As I swiftly run towards her not greeting Alexander and the doctor along with a nurse as I felt hot tears rolled down my face.

"C—Cassandra...please wake up..."

I cried, plead and begged for her to wake up as I heard Alexander with the two behind me excused themselves out of the room to give me some privacy and cry my eyes out.

I don't care if they think I, a personal photographer was a love sick fool whose obviously in love with the lying famous artist now on the bed who she was working for for almost three months now.

I don't care if I looked pathetic in their eyes or anyone else as long as Cassandra Collins Foster wake up and opened her beautiful and mystic grey eyes that would hypnotized me to no end.

I grazed my fingers at her soft and angelic face and stared at her intently with teared eyes.

She's so so beautiful that a sobbed has erupted in the pit of my throat and came out from my mouth.

"P-please...I'm still as deeply, madly and hopelessly in love with you as I was in highschool..."

"Don't leave me..."

"Got you..."

'Wait what!?!'


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