I 20

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Chapter 20: 'I don't know'

"The wedding reception was amazing and superb"

"It was like a fairy tale"

"The groom and bride was perfect for each other"

"I wish them both all the happiness"

"Both their children will be beautiful"

"It's so romantic, they both loved each other"

I know it already and no need to repeat it again but the only thing that keeps repeating it was in my head.

I stared from the distant at the beautiful couple smiling together at each other, along with their families and friends.

What a perfect picture indeed but sadly there's this heartbroken girl who was crying from behind,a  few feet away from the happy ending fairy tale. Of course she was sad and alone and so so heartbroken that she can hear her heart breaks into pieces not because a plate had just shattered into the ground because of a careless man. No.

What did she ever do to deserved this kind of punishment, she was just a normal girl who was in love for the first time. It was pure cruelty.

'Why universe'

I was smiling and greeting the other guests like me while I wipes my tears away from my cheeks.

The people and other guests had already looked at me funnily since I was laughing and crying at the same. I don't know what to do anymore but to caved in a dark place where I can mend my broken heart for a very long long time.

The laughter around was getting loud and joyous for a broken hearted girl's taste so I strutted away from the venue.

I trusted Cassandra Collins words about 'handling' the situation but maybe I got it all wrong and twisted. Maybe I misunderstood her words. But the way she kissed me yesterday and how she hugged and comfort me while I was crying plus the sincerity in her voice when she said those 'I like you' words and how her stunningly beautiful eyes sparkled. I'm so conflicted!

Did I just imagined it all and was just hallucinating this whole time, probably. I know it was too good to be true but it still hurts a lot. It was an indescribable pain and I don't know how to handle and mend it for now.

I nodded and waved back at the other guests who unfortunately noticed me on my way out of here. I barely able to see the double wood doors. Finally Lillian.

But sadly I was greeted by granny in her wheelchair because sadly her health had gotten worst yesterday and James, the good butler was beside her.

They had a solemnly sad look on their face and I swear I saw a look of pure regret and disappointment on granny's already sad face.

Thankfully I had managed to wiped away the tears and had managed not to break lose the tears again that was slowly coming to pour. Just a few while.

"Oh granny and James..."

I waved and smiled to them as I slowly walked towards them while trying to calmed and composed my cracky voiced and at least polished a little bit more my forced smile.

I can't let them see how hurt and sad and heartbroken I am because they're Cassandra Collins's family after all. I simply don't want to guilt them and especially don't want their pity because they'll just be worried about me.

I don't want to bothered and burden them either with my issue because lets face it I'm not the only one with problems here.

"What happened last night Lillian..."

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