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Chapter 15: Terms

"Lillian Kazuki Maurer!"

Uh-oh! If my mother started calling us by our full names it really means business and it would be settled right here, right now!

"Y—yes mom..."

I'm taller than my mother but right here, right now I feel like a small hamster already digging a hole to hide my small sized from the prey and right here, right now my mom was clearly the prey. What would a cute small and weak hamster do if she was cornered by a big strong prey, of course she would tell the truth.

"Your teacher called and told me that you haven't been to school since Monday and today's Wednesday!"

"M—mom I—I can expl—"

"No! You've been telling me lies this past two days and you're clearly doing the same today if I didn't cornered you..."

My mom's piercing black eyes pierced through my soul that I had no other choice but to say I'm sorry and explained everything to her, I mean everything, including my infatuation and all, concerning about Cassandra Collins and the happenings this past few days and well technically this past years. From the beginning people. From the beginning. Origin!

She looked surprised but undeniably calm, like she know it already or had guess it before, especially when one time she saw me crying in my room and noticed my gloomy mode that time along with my observant sister, when Cassandra Collins rejected me.

"That's why I haven't gone to school this last two days and still won't go today..."

I smiled my sweetest smile at my beloved mother. Oh please dear universe, give me this chance to be with Cassandra Collins and granny again.

The look on my mother's face was unsurprisingly and thankfully understanding but there was still some scolding look on her faced that screamed you-better-dont-skip-school-again-especially-I-mean-especially-without-my-permission-got-it-child?, something like that exactly.

I hugged my mom tightly at her understanding that she almost can't breathe.

"Hehe, sorry mom..."

I broke free from the hug and watched the time from my phone, 8: 50 am, before looking back at my mom's face expectantly.

"So can I go now???"

I'm already late already so no can do.


"To Cassandra Collins's!"


'Stupid universe!'


I let out a loud sighed of relief of course as I got out the taxi after paying the driver. Thank God I survived though I arrived late than what I promised granny but hey I barely escaped the gripped of my mother and her punishments and conditions for me after skipping two days worth of class plus today.

Our floor can clearly be a part of the mirror family now, after all I scrubbed it with all my might and shined it like it was never shined before but it took me an hour! I don't want to anger mother that would probably lead her to changing her mind about me skipping school again and going here but oh well at least I'm here now.

It's now 10 in the morning and was standing infront of the familiar mansion and ringed the gate bell, the mustache butler greeted me and opened the steel gates for me.

Of course he didn't asked what he can do for me like what he did when we first met. Everyone here knew me and that's a big stepped to winning Cassandra Collins heart even in a slightest chance of faith.

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