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Chapter 7: Advice

As the door closed behind me with a swift click I can breath again. The summer breeze enveloped my whole face for a while before my body adjusted to the temperature.

I glanced both sideways and was greeted by a figure leaning on his car. And guess what that person is none other than Kendrick!

"Ken!", I exclaimed happily as I walked towards him who greeted me with a big bear hug. Oh his such a sweet guy.

" What are you doing here parking in this new opened lemonade shop?"

He simply just laughed at me.

"Well, I'm here parking in this new opened lemonade shop because I like lemonade, simply as that..."

I nodded at him before I noticed he was wearing an expensive Armani black suit that fit him perfectly. He must've tailored it to fit him perfectly and the soft linens and cotton was just so tempting that I wanted to touch it with my hands so I did.

Such soft fabric! I heard Ken laugh his good natured laugh at me. He let me scanned and touch some more freely and yes my confirmation is correct. It was the softest fabric I've ever touch in my whole life. It was much more softer to touch than to look at.

I noticed that evey time I'm with Kendrick I would always gawked at his expensive stuffs like right now. This guy is one of the most richest for sure. How lucky!

" Hey, Ken, where's your gold vehicle ???",I asked more eager than I anticipated when I noticed he was now sporting a black Lamborghini. I wouldn't more like couldn't buy such sports car or even a normal one even I break my piggy bank. I'm broke compared to him.

He laughed at my question with no sarcasm. You know that's what I like about this dude and next to the fact that his so much more like a big sibling figure.

"It's too eye catching...", he trailed off as he arched a brow at my direction with a smirk. Oh his teasing me now.

We stared for a while before laughing. We must've looked like lunatics outside the shop because the old couple's faces said so.

I don't really care if they think were lunatics. Haven't they saw the black Lamborghini with a gorgeous man and of course me myself and I. I mentally laugh at the thought before turning my head again at Ken who turned the same time as me before we burst out laughing our heads off once again.

" Hey Ken, you can pass as my best friend/ big brother now ",I joked though it was mostly the truth. He noticed the hidden meaning in it that I mean it before he agreed sincerely. Eventhough his like erm 10,11,12 or—

" Hey Ken not to be rude but how old you again?",I asked curiously.

"I'm 31", he immediately answered.

Erm eventhough his 14 years older than me I feel like were the same age. My age of course because I still can't imagine my future until it came rushing into my face.

Kendrick was a certified cool guy and confident and of course he knew it. Like I said his a heck of rich/successful/gorgeous/cool/ confident guy plus his to die for American next door smile. His a complete package if you ask me.

We were silent for a bit after our few light words and jokes at each other and by now I was leaning beside him on his black Lamborghini after he offered it kindly to me. Who am I to denied a chance to lean in it for free and it was a rare opportunity and besides my feet was starting to hurt by just the thought of just standing. I think my feet needs a nice warm bath later.

Oh how I wish Cassandra Collins and I were as closed as Ken right now. Though I've just meet the guy like weeks ago I feel like we were miles stone away from my closeness range with Cassandra Collins. Far far more—what's the right word again?

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