12.) In The Name of Love

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If I told you
this was only gonna hurt
If I warned you
that the fire's gonna burn
Would you walk in?
Would you let me do it first?
Do it all in the name of love
Would you let me
lead you even when you're blind?
In the darkness,
in the middle of the night
In the silence,
when there's no one by your side
Would you call in the name of love?

~Bebe Rexha

The worst pain is the one given
In The Name of Love

"I want to kill him."

Words that came out of the stranger's mouth intimidated poor Lisa. The 'Not So Timid Lisa' was surprisingly found mewing which was so unlikely to her roaring aura. She couldn't configure what was more scary, the stranger's glare or his daunting tone or the buff men escorting behind. But she almost immediately spat out every possible information that somehow made a reference to Alex Holland.

"So bitch has the audacity to punch me and leave so nonchalantly without any apology. How dare he!"

"Alex p...punched y...you?"

"Yeah he did, right in my face. Look;" he said pointing at his face. "My cheek is all swollen because of that hormonal teenager. It hurts so bad." The sudden transition in his voice from valiant to whiny put up a puzzled face on the clueless Lisa.

"Umm...excuse me...I... I'm really confused here. Do you somehow know that big brat?"

"Yeah he's my roommate. Oh well I'm Clay,  Clay Jensen nice to meet you beautiful lady" his formal introduction ended with a gentle bow of courtesy. "And you must be...?" His eyes locked with her instinctively in anticipation of her introduction.

When the exuberant eyes of a gentleman met the belligerent ones of a fiesty Lisa, who could barely pass for a lady, he instantly knew that staying longer could be equivalent to walking over thin ice. When the tables had turned, he couldn't configure what was more scary; the woman's vicious glare, vindictively tightened fists or the big black eye bags accomplished by pulling an all nighter for calculus.

"It's alright. Hehe. You don't need to introduce yourself. I'll take my leave" his attempt to make a gutsy escape terribly failed when a hard blow landed on another one of his cheeks thus fulfilling the symmetrical requirements of the bruises on his face.

Meanwhile the troublemaker trio were all ready to set off to college when Michael received a call.

"Dad needs me gotta go" he kissed Hazel on the cheek and was about to leave when he heard Alex rasp in annoyance.

"Am I surprised? No. Not at all Mr. Busy Bee." Mocked Alex's disdainful comments.

"Give him a rest. It might be something urgent." Hazel defended.

"Yeah. No shit" He sneered.

"Okay you know what. I'll leave after dropping you two off to college. After all I don't trust you with my girl." Michael grimaced as he spared a glance towards Alex.

"Alright let me drive you to college today." Hazel wheedled breaking off the tension between the two brazen boys. She extended her palm, gesturing Alex to hand the keys.

"Oh no lady. You see this, this big dirty dent right here. This happened the last time I let you drive. You ain't driving again. Not at least under my watch." Alex said.

"Oh come on Dork you know that was a mistake. And you can barely see it."

"Well it is to inform you that I have no intentions to lose my life and the love of my life to your mistakes. So it's still a NO."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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