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"Liar!" Michael's voice cracked as he addressed the girl standing in front of her.

"So now you don't believe me. Wow! Can my life get any worse than it already is?" Mabel darted her eyes towards the boy piercing his soul.

"And what for? Just because of that slut?" She spat her words at him blatantly.

Something pinched Michael when those hurtful words fell on his ears. He couldn't guess what exactly this feeling was but he felt himself burning when he heard the female badmouthing someone who he thought was just another acquaintance for him and nothing more.

He clenched his jaw, pressing his tongue against the palate of his mouth, shot his intense glare towards her while making a step towards her and said,"Dare say a word against her and I will make you regret all your life decisions."

Mabel felt intimidated but for an annoyingly stubborn person like herself there was no turning back now. She stepped closer towards Michael and stared into his eyes with tears in her own. She spoke in her soft sobbing voice,"You belong with me Michael. We're made for each other." Michael turned his gaze away.

"What changed you so much that you're not even ready to look into my eyes baby?" She brought her pouty face close to his, their lips just centimetres apart and her hands caressing his soft cheeks. Just when she was about to make a warm contact, Michael swatted her hands away and backed off with nothing but antipathy in his eyes.

"I was here just to express my undue malice towards you. Don't expect anything more from this second onwards." He said with a low grunt in his voice."

"Go back to LA, live your lavish life and let me live in peace."


"I don't want to hear a single word from you. Don't you get it? It hurts to realise how did I even love somebody like you at one point of time."

Saying his words he turned around and started walking but not before taking a few steps he turned back towards her and shot her his glare once again while saying," Before your nasty mind plans on hurting her again....remember who she belongs to now. So don't even think about it."

Addressing his final words he headed back to the subway.

Mabel stood there with the shock of her life. She had anticipated an unpleasant reaction from Michael towards her but she never expected him to claim Hazel open and loud like he just did.

"Well played Michael Moore. She will belong to you only if she surrenders to her fate. And I have been the ringmaster of her fate since the very beginning of this drama." Mabel thought to herself showing off a wicked smirk while several sinister thoughts ran through her mind.

Michael was still taken aback by his own words and feelings. He has been in many similar situations like this, not once but so many times before, concerning the same two girls, but never before he felt this bent to protect Hazel and her respect. This was an all new scenario and he questioned himself, "Do I actually love her?"

2:00 pm

Hazel laid on her bed while playing with the hem of her oversized shirt and fantasizing about her dream boy.

Suddenly the thought of her best friend crossed her mind and she was reminded of Alex.

Rolling over to the edge of the bed, she picked up her phone and dialed his number.

He was greeted with her screeching squeals which were deafening to his ears.

He immediately realised she is at the peak of her euphoric state at that moment so once she started her non stop blabbering about her "Popsicle" he didn't stop her. Instead he was all ears to her despite listening to these same gushing words over and over again in the past.

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