5.)Black and White

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4th April 2020

11:30 am

"Alex!", A voice caught Alex's attention while he was collecting his stuff from his locker. He turned around to look Ms. Paul, Head of English Department (HOD, English), darting towards him. Her expression looked somewhat infuriated and he guessed what was her matter of concern at the moment.

"I will give you thirty seconds to give me a good enough reason for her absence or she will have to suffer through the consequences." She snorted furiously.

"Take it easy Ms Paul. She's s..s..sad." Alex blurted out trying to make an excuse.

"Good gracious! The Tristate Championship is in a month and you're saying she's missing the debate practice because of her mood swings?"

Alex stood there confused rubbing the back of his neck, knowing that he messed up.

"Mr. Holland! Mark my words very carefully, if I don't see that girl for tomorrow's practice then I'll make sure she's not going to pass this academic year."

With her blunt warning she turned her black heels and walked down the corridor.

Alex was equally shocked as angry he was at Hazel for missing her lectures for the entire day today. He well understood her plight but missing lectures and cutting on her practice sessions was so not acceptable. His burning anger against Michael didn't settle as yet. He wanted to give him a NICE treatment for all that he has done to his precious for past few years. At the same time he was worried for Hazel.

Fighting all his thoughts he finished his day at the college and headed straight to her hostel. He anticipated a heartbroken girl who would break into a crying mess all over again.

But to his surprise, he was greeted by a rather cheerful face of his best friend. She looked all bubbly and chirpy, something that he saw after a really long time.

At first he was struck with bewilderment but as she pulled him inside the apartment, he realized he was not dreaming.

"A...ar...are you o..okay?" He questioned with perplexity in his voice.

"I'm absolutely fine. Why are you asking?" Hazel blushed while pouring him some coffee.

"Then why did you miss your scheduled classes and practice today?" Alex asked with a tone of confusion in his voice.

"Oh that...I was tired. That's it." She spoke.

Alex sighed harshly knowing that she is not revealing the truth.

"You know you're so bad at lying."

"Ugh! It's true I can't keep anything from you for long so I'll just spill."

Last Night

4th April 2020

12:00 am

"Hey sweetheart I'm here for our date."

Hazel jolted as she sat up, trying to take it all in.

The voice that gave her goosebumps all over her skin shrieked through the phone and helped her regain her full conscience.

"Can you hear me sweetie?" He asked.

"Michael? W...what are you saying?"

"Just head down the building and I'll explain everything to you."

"No." This was the first time Hazel rejected him so straightforwardly. She has never done this in the past, no matter how badly he treated her. She used to give in eventually but this time it was a N.O.

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