Tragic Fall - *Edited*

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Delilah rammed another book in farther most bookcase of the duke's study, the hard back cover knocking across the smooth polished wood of the case, thudding heavily.

In Lord Richard's personal study, much to her surprise, there were greater researches on a different, peculiarly far-flung branches of science.

Current. Modern Electricity. Voltage. All kind of books regarding it.

There were works of Benjamin Franklin, researches of Alessandro Volt, there was a whole set of volume regarding Animal electricity.

Delilah sighed.

Walking across the room, she picked up the next pile of book from the desk and studied the map to trace where they had to be shelved.
She dragged the tall foot stool to the enormous bookcase while eyeing the booklist in her hand.

Her stiff neck ached at the nape from hourless staring at the atlas but she had no other way out of this, annoying as it may be.

She stepped up the stool_ one step, two and shelving.

Her finger rummaged, flitting across the hard backs of the heavy volumes until she found the sought book, pulled it out and placed it atop the shelves, tucking the latest edition she had been carrying in its place.

It was just then, she heard shuffling from the beyond most, darkest half of the study. Standing on the height, she was able to decipher some movement there.

"Who is there?" She deadpanned, frowning because she hadn't heard anyone enter.

The shuffling ceased instantly. And there, Delilah knew something was amiss.

She positioned the book pile from her hand onto the bookcase, as noiselessly as she could and just as she was about to step down, a heavy kick was induced onto the stool beneath her feet, from behind.

The jolt of hit got her off the balance.

Delilah arms flailed in the air hoping to clutch one anchorage or another but she didn't get the chance. The stool slipped from under her and then she; coming down and landing on her back at the plush rug, a piercing pain shooting up her spine.

A tempest of dust rose around her_ from the carpet, engulfing her whole as she rasped furiously. The pain was overwhelming, as it infested her back but yet more crushing thing was the helplessness Delilah endured as she tried to collect herself up and failed.

A shock of dark passed from across her eyes, she couldn't really make it out in the dust cloud but it was a boy, from the thinness and shortness of him.

Delilah grasped him just in time, by the end of his tattered tailcoat, yet unable to see his face_ or use her eyes for that matter.

"Suelta! Déjame!" The boy cried, voice laced with panic_ the foreign tongue leaving her at loss.

He thumped his boot on the rug and yet more dust was stormed up around Del.

She gasped violently and the lad got his chance. He planted his boot hard on her arm and Delilah lost her grip on him, new pain engulfing her.

She fell back and another bang of shoes on the wood resounded the dark study.

Delilah looked up just in time.

Terror filled her eyes.

The massive bookcase was falling. On her. Right on her.

Heavy books started raining down, hitting her mercilessly, and she scuttled behind, dragged herself on her back, farther and farther_ using her feet to thrust herself rear when she just managed to make it out from the range of fall.

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