Just Another Woman.

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The bolt slid back into the lock with a metallic click and Delilah's feet regressed, backing her away from the study door as she now stood in the corridor outside. Stunned and staring down at the intricately designed carpet. And_

Holy mother of God!

It was an effort to breathe again, and yet greater effort to move as she ambled slowly to the chair across the hallway, slumping down, flummoxed. Heat, in its loud beat and aching cadence that was rather fierce, enveloped her body and red blossomed on her cheeks.

The image of him...of his mouth delving into Tiffany, of his arm around her body, so possessive_ Delilah pressed her eyes shut. She remembered how slowly he had disconnected his lips from Tiffany's, looking down affectionately at the blonde before turning to glare at Delilah.

As for now, the preordained happened.

The door opened with a boom and hers met the ferocious gaze of the man in her thoughts. Delilah unfolded with a snap, instantly straightening as she left the chair. It was the first due time she was observing him whole.

Though Lord Richard's left hand was fine, his whole right forearm and the hand seemed badly bruised_ now bandaged thickly and supported in a black sling wound along his neck and shoulder.

Delilah wondered how much was it hurtful.

"State your business." He all but growled at her, Tiffany's blue eyes peeping from behind his tall shoulder. It seemed that, as subtly as she could, Lady Tiffany was struggling to righten her loose and undone bodice.

It sent shivers down Delilah's spine.

"I am deeply sorry." She spoke, basked in guilt. "I did not mean to barge in; indeed_ that was so thoughtless of me."

"Yes Miss Eves." He narrowed his eyes. "That so was."

"I apologize." She huffed in mortification. "I did knock but_"

"I said_" He arched his head sideways. "_state your business."

"Perhaps later. You may carry on with_" She winced, realizing her words and watched Tiffany turn redder than herself. "That is to say....I should take my leave. It is nothing..." Delilah waved her hand stupidly. "...was nothing significant."

"Please, Miss Eves." Tiffany interrupted, blushing prettily. "It is I who should be taking my leave. I certainly am holding Lord Richard back from_"

"You are not." The said lord interrupted Tiffany softly. Then on turning to Delilah, his frown returned too. "And you. I hear what you witnessed from another mouth and I pledge you are a dead woman."

Offence didn't hit Delilah as much as it hit Tiffany and the blonde gasped. "Richard, you must not talk to a lady like that."

Lord Richard's eyes were stubbornly affixed to Delilah's. "I will not jeopardize your reputation to a local tittle-tattle Tiffany."

Local tittle-tattle.

Tiffany squeezed herself out from between His Grace and the door, presenting Delilah a sweet chagrin of smile. "I am repentant for not asking earlier. You have been out for days. How are you doing? You look so pale. Is your head still hurting? Miss Eves, you are indeed brave."

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