Day break came sooner than she would of hoped for and once again she was awoken early to prepare for the days events that she had foreseen. Not once had her prophecies ever been wrong, and so she did not doubt this one to be so. She was dressed ready for a fight. Black leather armour although easier to penetrate allowed more room for movement and Else was quick on her feet, agile and flexiable, like a cat with 9 lives. She was stealthy too, when she needed to be. Though the heavy black fur cape that hung across her shoulders was the only thing that weighed her down, she made sure to rid that before a battle began.
Her horse had been readied for her, white just like her uncles and their namesake. It was a contrast to her outfit indeed, but it was something Skorpa insisted upon. "It has meaning." He used to say to her.
It was not long before bells began to ring and riders where spotted in the distance, but they where ready. There was no rush or fear as the Vikings rallied themselves, with Skorpa and Else at the front. Ulf and a few others of the warlords commanders flanking behind them on horseback as the gates to the fort where opened and they marched out into open land.
"What are you thinking of?" Her uncle asked moving his horse to be nearer her. "You've been too quiet for my liking."
"I'm wondering why I wasn't shown more," she stated plainly.
"The gods have their reasons."
"Yes, but Loki does not."
Skorpa only grinned at her answer, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Even the god of mischief has reasons for his tricks. Your father has never lead you wrong, do not doubt his capabilities now. I fear he may become angry."
"Don't tell me you're scared, Skorpa." Else scoffed.
"Of men? Never." He straightened his back a little. "But of the gods? That's a different story. Besides, it is they who choose our paths for us." Kicking his horse slightly he increased speed, moving in front of her a little, signifying an end to their conversation.
As they approached closer to the riders, one individual had came towards them, and Else could smell his fear as he quickly turned around and headed back to the so called safety of his group. She shared a look with Skorpa and the two laughed silently, before urging forward with slightly more speed to find out who these mysterious visitors where.
She slowed her horse to a stop slightly behind her uncles and quickly scanned the crowd for familiar faces, or to see if she could scout out any information. Though dressed like Danes, she picked up that members of the group where Saxons simply in disguise and the thought annoyed her. Christian men tarnishing their ways and beliefs, it was revolting.
"We will go to them."
"You want to talk?" She raised a skepitcal brow at her uncle. "Why?"
"I'm intrigued by the sight before me." He laughed, climbing down from his horse and signalling her to do the same.
She complied, signalling two other men to follow. Ulf was not included in such, and she could see him pull a face of annoyance because of it. If her or her uncle where to fall (however unlikely that is), the men would need a leader, and he could be a excellent candidate if he stopped thinking with his cock.
The group walked forwards towards their guests and could sense the panic within. A smirk graced her lips as her hand loosely held onto her sword. She tried to pick out familiar faces once more, but there where none, and Else was unsure whether to feel satisfied or relieved. One man, who seemed to be leading the group, the one who looked like a proper Dane, got down from his horse alongside another warrior playing dress up, and together they approached her and Skorpa. Meeting in the middle, Else tilted her head with curiosity.

Fanfiction"She's mad, but she is magic. There's no lies in her fire." THE LAST KINGDOM SIHTRIC X OC 18+