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The sun shone through one of the small window of the fort that they had taken off some Saxon, it warmed the room she preoccupied, or perhaps it was the hot body that laid next to her, sleeping soundly as she woke. Sitting up she allowed the covers to fall from her chest, stretching her arms out and craning her neck.

With no care that her body was bare she stood, black waves desending down her back, walking over the window to gaze. Most where still asleep, resting themselves after last nights festivities, though there were a few that had risen for an early start and undoubtedly nursing their heads. Yesterday, they had captured a Saxon fort, alongside Saxon slaves to keep things moving swiftly, though she was doubtful anyone would have fetched them from the cells as of yet. After all, they had to be broken in to their training, something she was often tasked with doing. They feared her unusual appearance and told her she was of the devil. She knew this not to be true, for she was of Loki.

"Come back to bed, woman." she heard a groan from behind her. "It's far too early."

Glancing over her shoulder she saw Ulf pull the sheet over his eyes to block the light. Sauntering back over to the bed, Else sat herself down once more and pulled the cover back towards her, earning another groan.

Ulf was a good friend of hers in many ways. They had grown up together, fought together and slept together. Though neither claimed to harbour feelings for one another, it was an unwritten rule that they would always end up in each other's beds after many a gallon of ale. He was tall, broad and blonde with a handsome face littered with scars, he was a great fighters, but the man knew it so. He could be a giant cock, sometimes.

"But there is much to do," she said. "I'm sure you're on stable duty today, boy."

"I am not a boy, I'm a man." He proclaimed, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Or do you need reminding?"

"Hm," Else pondered. "I may have forgotten, now that you mention it."

Ulf grinned as she ran a hand through his hair, his lips closing in on hers before the door to the room was swung open.

"Do you have a reason for nearly breaking my door down, Sten?" She asked, politely almost, without removing her eyes from Ulf.

"Skorpa has asked for you." She could hear him suck his breath in quickly and gulp down what he could.

"And it was so important that a simply knock would not suffice? Is that right?" When she did finally turn to look at Sten, she could tell he was worried, not scared but cautious that he may have upset her, for her temper knew no bounds and many a man had fell fatale to it. "Run along Sten, tell him I'll be there soon. Shut the door on your way out."

The man nodded his head and hurriedly did as he was told, slamming the door shut not a moment later. Ulf chuckled, and his hands that moved up and down her sides commanded attention. "I'm sure Skorpa can wait."

She gave him a small smile and he began to lay her back down, planting kisses along her neck as he moved towards her stomach. However, Ulf was taken by surprise when she wrapped her legs around his waist, suddenly flipping them both over and straddling his waist. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she mirrored his action.

"You of all people know Skorpa is not a patient man." Else stood once again and began to search for her clothing amongst the floor.

"I am not a patient man either." He argues back with a scowl.

"No, but you are not a warlord either." She pulled her leather breaches up and send a pointed look his way before tucking a shirt into the hem.

He expressed his sorrow by turning over and facing away from her. Else shook her head, pulling on her boots before walking out of the room and heading towards the hall where she figured her uncle would be.

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