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They say she is the daughter of Loki, the god of mischief.

With hair as dark as the night sky and skin like snow that was cold to the touch. She had a beauty that seemed ethereal, that seemed not of this world. Perhaps, it was her eyes that made it so. Ever so unusual, her right eye coloured black, which the villagers said would scare that of even Hela, that it could curse a man till the end of his days. Yet the left was emerald green, a jewel from a kings crown, and those who knew her spoke of how that single eye could read a person with one look.

She came into this world kicking and screaming on a thunderous night, some say it was because Thor was angry that Loki had visited to see the birth of his child. The women in the room swore that when the baby girl was born the room was filled with a cackle of devilry laughter.

Her mother was Revna, sister to Skorpa, the renowned viking warlord, the White Horse. They where young, when Loki's daughter was conceived by a magic that no one knew of. Revna claimed that the god came to her in a dream, and spoke of how their child would possess power that no man would ever be able to wield. Nobody believed her of course, thought she had been drinking too much mushroom ale, until she went into labour and they the gods began to stir. Revna passed shortly after this, and the girl left orphaned, everyone who stood by was too afraid to take the crying baby from lifeless woman. That was, until Skorpa arrived, and saw the child. He knew then, upon looking into her eyes, that she was a gift from Loki himself, that she was special.

For all the fearless warrior that Skorpa was, he raised the baby from birth with the help of his own wife who had been labelled barren. That was the least of their worries now, they where doing the gods work, raising the child of Loki.

As she grew, she carried her fathers name in true colours, causing havoc and chaos wherever she went in a childlike manner. Even more so when Skorpa began to train her in combat. She favoured a doubled headed axe most of all, but her uncle made her practice most with an sword.

Her skills did not stop there. She could stop people in their tracks with a simple glance, people would do what she asked of them without batting an eyelid and she could predict situations without even knowing. The more she grew, the more they saw the god within her.

Skorpa's wife passed when the girl had just passed 10 years, and so the warrior thought it the perfect time to head to the west with his army and discover the fortunes that he had heard his fellow Dane's speaking of so much - Ubba being one of them. Of course, he went with the child by his side.

The new land was good to them, they where able to plunder to their hearts content. The girl became accustomed to life as a fearsome heathen, she loved hearing the whispers and prays of the priests to their so called god before their throats where cut and their life taken from them. She took an interest in their beliefs, and often convinced prisoners and slaves to teach her how to read and write, and tell her of their Christian god. She would laugh as they did so, before Skorpa put an end to the nonsense himself.

As she grew to her older years she only became more fierce, becoming Skorpa's second in command by her own choice, his men having too much respect for the girl who was able to take down those twice her size with a single blow. After all, war was coming and Loki's spawn brought them luck and fortune beyond what they could have ever imagined.

She marched into battle with her head held high and a smirk that held mischief and mayhem. She was a force to be reckoned with and she was unstoppable.

She was Else of the White Horse. She was Else Lokidottir.

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