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It's turns out, in Else's drunken state, she had not realised that the turd king, Guthred, had approached their table the night before or more importantly - Uhtred. She was sure at that point of the night she had either fallen asleep on Sihtric's shoulder or was wrestling Finan on the floor. Either way, she had missed the conversation that Uhtred had been dragged into. He had slapped the turd king, she was upset that she had missed that. Whilst Guthred had not provided them with an army, he promised to write to Alfred and explain that he had instructed Uthred to attack Dunholm, meaning that they could proceed with their mission.


Darkness had fallen upon them, it was easier to hide that way. The fortress was on a hill, and so in day light they would be seen too easily. Else did not mind, she liked the dark, her senses often became heightened in such conditions. She walked between Sihtric and Finan, who was quite sick of the two Dane's talking about their gods and beliefs, and reminded them of his feelings often enough. However, now, as they approached Dunholm, the only sounds that could be heard where the noises of leaves crunching beneath boots as they pressed on, until Ragnar instructed them not to.

"This is where we part." He said. "We will show ourselves only when we know the east door has been opened. We will attack, then it is up to you to save us. We will be theirs to slaughter."

"Do not sound so troubled, Ragnar." Else purred. With her black hair and dark armour, she was practically concealed by the shadows, would it not be for her pale skin and single glowing eye. "We will be there."

"May the gods be with you, Lord."

Beocca stepped forward. "May god be with him... Us... May god be with us."

Else rolled her eyes, leaning over to Sihtric. "These Saxon beliefs entertain me."

The Dane smirked. "How could they not when you know they are such lies?"


"You just watch over Ragnar," Uhtred laughed as he clasped his brothers hand. "Hm?"

The two shared an intense moment, and Else realised that the two siblings knew that this might be the last time they ever saw each other - she knew different. "Good luck, little brother." Ragnar said.

Uhtred pulled him in and the two pressed their foreheads together, and through the darkness she could see a small grin appear on Uhtred's face. If there was one thing that the God's had gifted that man, it was the confidence of Thor but perhaps his foolishness too. "See you all in Dunholm."

With that signal, their group took off running in the cover of darkness. Uhtred lead them, urging them to move up the hill quicker. Else stayed at the back of the group, finding it easy to manevour over the rocks and branches that scattered the floor, whilst she heard Sihtric complaining about the path they took before Beocca slipped after reprimanding him, causing Else to giggle quietly.

They quickly took cover behind some trees, she crouched next to Finan as they looked up towards the watch tower. There where only two guards, stood under a lantern, but two guards where enough to alert the full stronghold. They had to be careful.

In turns, they took to running towards the wall. Uhtred went first with Hild at his side, the two made it and pressed their backs to the stone wall. Sihtric and Beocca went next, but the Dane stumbled and fell, the metal of his armour hitting the floor was enough sound to cause for caution. He scampered quickly to his feet and ran to the wall.

Else kept her eyes on the men in the tower, assessing whether she could make a clean hit with a knife if that's what it came to. Luckily, the sound went unnoticed and she let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding in. She looked at Steapa and gave him a nod before she and Finan both pushed at Aethelwold's back for him to go. The short man clambered to his feet and ran for his life, face planting the stone wall once he reached it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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