She loved being able to breath fresh air again, that was perhaps the thing she had missed the most. She had missed the wind and the rain too, and prayed that Thor would send them a storm, for that made her feel truely alive.
She had adjusted quite well to life on the road again, the Saxon's kindly gave her back her black leather armour as well as all the weapons they had confiscated from her when taking the Dane's into custody.
Else was glad she was with Ragnar, their friendship booming once more now that they where not confined to the damp cells. "It must have been Loki up to his tricks again, keeping us in there for so long." He said one time. "But I am thankfully he finally let us free."
They travelled with the women, Hild, and Alfred's gaurd Steapa. Ragnar told them stories of Else when he thought she was out of ear range. Hild became intrigued by such, a woman of her Christian god, she could barely believe some of the things that the blonde Dane told her. Still, that did not stop her from asking questions, and Else happily answered. Hild seemed like a nice, honourable woman, someone that she herself would never normally associate with, but never the less found herself drawn to the Nun and her own culture. They both learnt from each other.
Steapa on the other hand was more interested in her combat skills, and they would often spar first thing on a morning before there travels continued. He respected her, and she him.
Hild soon lead them to a place called Eoferwic, where Uhtred had last been. Ragnar lead them towards the main hall following the Nun's instructions. Both he and Else recieved many stares from the villagers, but that was never anything new.
"Fucking priests." She said to the blonde man with a roll of her eyes as they came into view. They stood above the party, looking down upon them as though gold ran through their veins.
"Sister Hild..." one of them, who had cleaner and whiter robes than the others, spoke. "And company... What is your purpose?"
"We're here on the orders of Alfred if Wessex." Ragnar announced. "I want to see King Guthrud."
It took a moment, but the priest eventually said, "You are Danes."
She and Ragnar laughed. "We are," he said. "I am Earl Ragnar Ragnarson and this is Else Lokidottir."
The priest scoffed. "The girl who is the supposed daughter of one of your fake gods."
Else raised an eyebrow, she rarely came by nonbelievers because she surrounded herself with Dane's, but it was always fun when one did stumble across her path.
"Eadred," she called upon him in a sing song voice. He turned to stare at her, mouth parted in shock. Else tilted her head tauntingly. "Relying on dreams filled dead saints to predict the future," she laughed. "I have a gods power on my side, and my father tells me that you'll fall to the hand of the one you sold."
"Witch!" He all but screamed out. "I want her out of here this insistent! She is an abombanation!"
Else rolled her eyes as he continued to ramble before Steapa stepped in. "I am Steapa, Alfred's gaurd. He sends greetings to King Guthred."
"And Guthred's sister?" Hild asked. "Lady Gisela? Is she here? I would like to see her?"
"She is not. She did abandon the city." Eadred stated plainly, his face void of emotion.
"Where to?"
"I have yet to find out but I shall find out."
"You're his brother?" A rather small man with a bowl cut and terribly shaven tash appeared from behind the gathering priests. "You're Uhtred's brother?"

Fanfiction"She's mad, but she is magic. There's no lies in her fire." THE LAST KINGDOM SIHTRIC X OC 18+