58 ➳ Incest

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The warm nearly scorching hot shower water felt amazing on my cold skin, it seemed to warm me up almost instantly. Once I had stopped shivering and was completely warmed up, I started to wash off the little pieces of sand that were still somehow stuck to my body.

My body still felt as if it were tingling from how good the sex Hale and I had just had, or maybe it was love. I know it was love because it was as if our two souls had connected within those long delightful moments.

The difference between sex and making love is that sex is all to do with two people merging their bodies and trying to achieve an orgasm, whether they both have one or just one person.

Whereas, when making love the primary motivation of the art is to connect with that person on an emotional level. Lovemaking is taking delight in exploring your lovers' body, mind, and heart, not just for the sake of having an orgasm, but due to trying to share a seriously intimate connection with your partner.

"Woah." a husky voice said which startled me, "Who's the hottie?"

I turned around and I was met with a still shirtless and slightly sandy Hale. He looked perfect, too perfect to be even close to being a human. It was as if he were somehow created especially for me as he was or well is my ideal perfect partner.

"I was about to ask you the exact same thing." I smirked as he started to pull off his pants which were still slightly covered in a thin layer of sand.

He looked me up and down as he walked toward the large shower, "So." he said as he opened the shower door which let out a little bit of steam, "Is there room for one more?"

I tapped my chin as I pretended to think about whether or not he was allowed to come join me but we both knew what my answer was going to be, "Always."

Hale then wasted no time into stepping into the shower, he reached out his hand to feel the water temperature, he hissed out in pain which was also followed by a few unholy cuss words as the water was pretty much scorching hot.

Whenever Hale has a shower, he always has the water temperature anywhere from warm to pretty much cold, while I on the other hand love a burning hot shower. So, whenever we do end up showering together it gets a little annoying as he is a baby and needs to turn the water temperature down to where it's pretty much-freezing cold for me.

But every now and then he turns the boiling water just down slightly and tonight was thankfully one of those nights.

Hale engulfed me into his strong, muscular arms as we both stood under the warm water. I bought my hands up and held onto his biceps as I stared down at the tiled floor. I watched as the droplets of water slid along the tiles and down into the drain.

I kind of wished that I were one of those droplets, escaping from this harsh place and going to another place, most likely far away from this horrid, cruel place.

Well, I guess I was somewhat one of those droplets instead I was in Pennsylvania and then I slid down the drain which took me to Dayton lakes, where I managed to fall in love with the place and someone, I never thought would be capable of loving me.

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