Paul and Jackie

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Hey guys!! This whole chapter will take place in Jackie's POV so....ENJOY!!!:D

I rolled out of bed and checked my phone for the time. 4:30. I took a long nap! I walked downstairs,to see Paul sitting on my couch. He smiled at me.


Me:Um..hey! What are you doing here?

He shrugged.

Paul:I missed you.

I blushed and smiled at him.

Me:Awwwwwe! You're so sweet!

He stood up and hugged me.

Paul:So,you wanna go out for dinner?

Me:Sure,let me go change!

I ran upstairs,changed,and checked my makeup. I smiled at my reflection. Perfect! I ran back downstairs and grabbed my purse,which Paul was holding. I grabbed his hand.

Me:Ok,let's go!

We walked to Paul's house and hung out a bit. After an hour,we left and went to a super fancy restraunt.

Me:Paul,how can you afford to take me here?

Paul:I've been saving up...

After our dinner,we headed back to my house.

Paul:I had a great time tonight.

Me:So did I!

We hugged each other tightly.



Paul:I love you.

Jackie:I love you too!

Then we kissed.

Sorry this is so short,guys! I have school tomorrow,and I have to go to bed soon.:/ new chapters coming soon!!

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