At the Hospital

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I hear voices all around me. They sound...upset. I don't know where I am,or why I'm here. I open my eyes. There,I see Danny,Paul,Jackie,and a doctor. They look at me and smile. "SAMMIE!" Danny screams happily. "You're ok!" Paul says,hugging me. I rub my head. "Yeah,guys...I'm fine. But what happened?" I asked. The doctor stepped forward. "We'll,according to curly here,"he says putting his hand on Danny's shoulder. "You passed out and hit your head really hard. You were in a coma for a few hours." "We didn't think you we're gonna make it..."Danny added with a frown. He genuinely looked upset. But why? We broke up...

About an hour later,I changed out of my hospital robe and got ready to go back home. Paul and Jackie were in the car,waiting for me. Suddenly,Danny walked in. "Hey,can I talk to you?" He asked. "Yeah,sure."I said,sitting down on my hospital bed. He sat down next to me. "Listen..I'm sorry about all this. I'm just afraid that Melanie is gonna try to kill you."he said. "Don't worry about -" he cut me off. "No,Sammie,just listen."he said. I sighed. "I love you,ok?"he continued. "I just don't want you to get hurt." "I love you too,Danny..."I said. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes,and he looked onto mine. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away. "Do you think maybe...we should call the cops or something?" Danny just shrugged. "We could always try." He stood up. "C'mon,Paul's waiting for us." I stood up,took his hand,and walked out to Paul's car with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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