Home Bound

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Ever since Danny and I broke up,things have been really awkward. We barely talk anymore. I still have NO IDEA why he broke up with me. But anyways,Paul,Jackie,Danny,and I are on our way home.

I was forced to sit next to Danny. It was either him,or a random stranger. Out of the corner of my eye,I saw him stealing glances at me. I turned to him. "Danny...are you ok?" I asked him,giving him a very confused look. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. "I'm fine." "Danny..."I sighed. He looked the other way. "I said I'm fine!" He said.

After we landed,I told Paul and Jackie that Danny and I would just meet them at the car. They just shrugged,and started walking to the car. I grabbed Danny's arm,and pulled him to the food court. "Ok,Danny." I said seriously. "I must know...why did you break up with me?!" Danny started getting teary eyed. "Sammie..."he said. "It's because...I'm protecting you." I was really confused. "From what?!" I screamed. He pulled out his phone and showed it to me. There,on the screen,were text messages from one of his exes. One of the texts read:"Your girlfriend better watch her back,because I'm going to kill her." Right then and there,I passed out.

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