New Boyfriends

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Paul walked back into the room,with a big smile on his face.

Paul:Guys,guess what?

Danny:What? We're trying to have a moment here!

Paul:I asked Jackie to be my girlfriend,and she said yes!


Paul looked at us and saw that we were holding hands.

Paul:Wait,are you guys...

Danny interrupted him.

Danny:Dating? Yes,we are.

Paul looked at me and smiled.

Paul:Well that's good! But anyways,guys...I gotta go meet up with Jackie,so I'll see you guys later!

Me:Ok,bye Paul!


Paul just glared at Danny and left. Now Danny and I were alone.

Danny:So,what do you wanna do?

Me:I don't know. What do YOU wanna do?

Danny smiled.

Danny:I don't know...

Suddenly,I got an idea.

Me:I'll be right back.


I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Me:Ugh,where is it?

I looked through all of the cupboards,and finally found it. I grabbed it and two spoons. Then I sat down on the couch next to Danny. His eyes widened.

Danny:Is that....NUTELLA?!?!?!

Me:Yes. Wanna share?


For the next fifteen minutes,that's what we did. We just sat there,ate Nutella,and talked. It was the best date ever.

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