The Truth Comes Out

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I haven't talked to Danny in 3 days. He's been texting me non-stop,but I refuse to reply. I'm too mad at him to reply. Right now,I'm just sitting on my bed,staring at the ceiling. Suddenly,there was a knock on my door. I sighed,got up,and opened it. And,SURPRISE,SURPRISE! It was Danny.

Me:What do YOU want?

Danny:I just came over to say I'm REALLY sorry for what happened the other night. And I miss you...a lot. called Monica beautiful.

Danny:I know...but you're more beautiful.

He flashed me his adorable smile. Why was he doing this to me?! He knew I was mad at him! I sighed.

Me:If I forgive you,will you promise to never do that ever again?

Danny:Yes,I promise!

Me:Ok,fine...I forgive you. Now kiss me.

He chuckled and kissed me lightly.

Danny:So,you wanna go to my place?


Danny:Ok! But one thing. I promised Monica I'd hang out with her today. So she might be coming over,too.

Me:Thats fine!

He smiled and grabbed my hand.

Danny:Ok,then lets go!

When we finally got to his house,Monica was already there. She was sitting on Danny's couch.

Me:Hey,where's your bathroom? I gotta waz.

Danny:Go down the hallway and turn left.

I kissed his cheek.

Me:Thanks,babe. I'll be right back!

After I was done going to the bathroom,I washed my hands and walked back out into Danny's living a terrible sight. Danny and Monica were sitting on the couch...kissing. I tried to yell at Danny,but instead,I just started crying. Danny must've heard me,cuz he pushed Monica away and looked straight at me.

Danny:Sammie! I can explain!

Me:No need to. We're through!

I ran towards the door,but Danny blocked it.

Danny:Sammie,please let me explain!


He glared at Monica until she left the room. Then he grabbed my hand and lead me over to the couch. We both sat down.

Danny:Ok,look...I didn't kiss her first. She kissed me first!

Me:yeah,right! You expect me to trust you?! After what happened the other night at the pier?!

Danny looked at the ground.

Danny:Well,'s just that...

Me:That what?

He sighed.

Danny:Sammie,I made a huge mistake the other night. I probably lost your trust forever. But I just want you to know that...I love you. And if you wanna break up,fine. I'm just gonna have to deal with that.



I gently pressed my lips to his and smiled.

Me:I love you too.

Danny:So we're not breaking up?

Me:No. I trust you.


Danny hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

Danny:Lets never fight again.


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