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Today,Danny,Paul,Jackie,and I are walking around town together. You know,cuz there's nothing better to do.

Danny:Hey,look at that!!!

Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a store window. His eyes widened.

Danny:I want it!!!

Me:Danny,don't you think you're a little too old for a stuffed koala bear?

He gave me a sad and surprised look.

Danny:No! I need him!!!

He pushed his face against the glass window. I felt kinda bad for him. I sighed.

Me:Ok,let's go buy him.

Danny looked at me,with a huge smile on his face.


He grabbed my hand and we rushed inside. We picked up the koala from the window,and took him to the counter to buy him. When we were about to leave,someone called Danny's name. He turned around.


It was Danny's ex-girlfriend,Monica. Danny ran up to her and gave her a hug.

Danny:What are you doing here?!

Monica:I'm shopping for my little brother's birthday,what are YOU doing?

Danny:I bought a stuffed koala.

He showed it to her.

Monica:Awe,he's cute!!

At this point,I was already back outside. I didn't want to hear anymore of their conversation. A few minutes later,Danny came outside. He didn't ask me why I left. I guess he understood. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. We kept walking. After walking for about an hour,Danny and I decided to go to the pier. (This was now officially our spot.) We sat down on the bench. Danny put his arm around me.

Me:It sure is beautiful out tonight.

Danny:Yeah. Just like Mon-

He stopped himself.

Danny:You! I meant you.

He laughed nervously. I looked at him,angrily.

Me:Danny...are you...cheating on me?

Danny:No! I would never do that to you!

Me:Then why would you call Monica beautiful?

I just got up.

Me:You know what? Just don't talk to me. Ever again.

Then I walked away,crying.

Hello Beautiful (An Exclamtion Point Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now