New Yooooork!(:

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As soon as we got to New York,we were all so excited. It was such a beautiful city! "So what should we do first?" I asked. Danny's stomach growled...VERY LOUDLY. He rubbed the back of his head. "I say we go get some pizza. I'm starving!" He said. I laughed. "Yeah,I'm hungry too." I turned to Paul and Jackie. "What about you guys?" I asked. They shrugged. "Yeah,I'm hungry,too." They said in unison. So we decided our first stop would be the nearest pizza place. Once we for there,we took our seats and ordered. Then we decided to just talk. " guys having fun yet?" Danny asked. We looked at him,confused. "We just got here.." I said. "Yeah,"Paul agreed. "We haven't even done anything yet." Danny got up. "Ummm..I'll be right back." Then he rushed to the bathroom. Why was he acting so weird all of the sudden?

About 30 minutes later,we got our pizza and started eating. Danny was still gone...I was really starting to worry. "Paul,can you go check on Danny?" I asked. He could tell I was worried. "Yes,of course." He said,getting up. "What do you think is wrong with Danny?" Jackie asked. "I don't know."I said. "But I'm really worried." "I can tell..."she said.

5 minutes later,Paul and Danny came out of the bathroom and sat down. Danny looked very stressed out. "Danny,are you ok?" I asked him. He looked at me,and it looked like he was about to cry. He sighed. "Sammie...there's something I need to tell you." He said. I looked at him,confused. "What is it?" I asked him. He grabbed my hand and led me outside. "Sammie,I hate to say this,but..." He looked at the ground. "I think we should take a break." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Wh-what?!" I screamed. "I-I'm so sorry..." He said. He was obviously crying,too.

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