Couldnt think of a title.:P lol

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Danny and his girlfriend have been dating for over a month now. (Jackie and I extended our vacation)I've been trying to be supportive,but I can't take it anymore. I pulled out my phone and texted Paul.

P-Paul S-Sammie

S:Paul,can you come over?

P:Why? I'm with Jackie...

S:Please,Paul! It's important!:(

P:Ok,fine...I'm on my way.

5 minutes later,Paul showed up. We sat down on my couch.

Paul:Ok,what's so important?

I tried to speak,but I couldn't. I just started crying.

Paul:Woah,what's wrong?

Me:I can't take it anymore,Paul!!


Me:I like Danny. But seeing him with just tears me apart!

I continued crying,and Paul pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder.

Me:It's just not fair!!!

Paul:Sammie,Im so sorry.

I sat up and wiped away my tears.

Me:It's not your fault.

Suddenly,there was a knock on my door. I got off of the couch and opened it. It was Danny.

Danny:Hey,can I-

He must of noticed my eyes were bloodshot from crying.

Danny:Are you ok? It looks like you we're crying...


Danny looked at me,concerned.

Me:No. Nothing's wrong.

I looked at my feet.



Danny:Something is definitely wrong.

Me:No there's not!

I tried to close the door on him,but he was to fast for me. He walked inside of my house.

Danny:Sammie,just tell me what's wrong.

Paul left the room so it wouldn't be awkward. I sat down on the couch and sighed.

Me:You just...wouldn't understand.

Danny sat down next to me.

Danny:Yes I would!

I looked up at him. He looked like he was gonna start crying. I sighed again.

Me:Ok,fine. I'll tell you.

After I told him about how much him dating another girl was hurting me,he looked at me,confused.

Danny:Wait,you like me?

I blushed.


Danny:Since when?

Me:Since I met you...

Danny moved closer to me.

Danny:You didn't you just tell me you liked me?

Me:I didn't think you would feel the same...

Danny moved closer.

Danny:Well,I do...

Me:What?! What about your girlfriend?

Danny:We broke up awhile ago...

Me:Oh. I'm sorry. You seemed really happy with her.

Danny shrugged.

Danny:I was,but I'd be happier with you.

He smiled his adorable smile.

Me:Wait...did you just ask me out?

Danny:I don't know...did I?

Me:I don't know...did you?


Me:Well,ok...sure,I'll go out with you!



Danny hugged me tight.


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