The Calling

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I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as I waited impatiently for her to pick up her phone. When I heard the second ring I curse the day she was born. Weren’t girls always on their phones? Why did Reece have to be the one girl who wasn’t attached to hers? The third ring went by and kicked down a chair.

What the hell Reece answer your damn phone. There was a click and my heart pause for a moment praying that I didn’t just go to voicemail.

“If you think prank calling me will help you get your cash back you are seriously mistaken my friend.” Reece answered.

“Reece, thank god you answered your phone. He took Vanessa.” I screamed frantically into the phone.

“Well what did you expect? I told you some hot guy was going to come and snatch her away before you finally got the balls to make a move on her.”

I growled in frustration. “Damn it Reece stop playing around that damn prince too her.”

“The prince?” There was a long pause as she slowly pieced it together. “Holy shit you mean Winden? You’re kidding me!”

I shook my head fiercely, but then realized she couldn’t see the movement, “You think I’d joke around about something like this?”

I heard Danyelle in the back ground, frantically asking questions to Reece. “What about W-Widen? Is Vic hurt? What about Vanessa? I want to talk to Vanessa and my brother.”

Reece tried soothing her, I imagined like a mother would a child. “Everything’s going to be fine Danyelle.”

“Everything is not fine! Damn it Reece I need your help getting her back! I know I can’t do it by myself and I thought maybe you would kno-”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Wait, we need someone who can help us!”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be there in ten minutes!”

“I don’t think you understand the seriousness of this situation, this isn't something your second rate karate can cover.”

“I'm bringing back-up…and my second rate karate could still kick your vampire ass!”

“Back-up?” I asked into the dead phone. Angered that I had just been hung up on I snapped my phone shut and threw it against the wall. Vanessa was slipping through my fingers and Reece wanted me to wait for her so called back-up. The plan so far didn’t settle with me. Winden could be doing any number of unspeakable things to her and here I was standing around.

My body was so full of rage suddenly that I just wanted to punch something. I glanced down at the two bodies on the floor. Hitting them would be pointless they were already dead. I stomped over to a nearby wall and felt it. It was made with jagged rocks and I assumed under that was cement. I screamed loudly as I slammed my fist through it. The jagged rocks scrapped against my cool skin. I didn’t even mind the pain because it was nothing to what Vanessa had to be feeling at this moment. I pulled my fist back and hit the wall again. Hot blood trickled down my arm and slowly dripped onto the floor. Pieces of rock dropped down to the floor as I made another hit. I had promised Vanessa that I would protect her. I punched the wall again with my other arm. Promised her that I would be there for her.

I continued hitting the wall. Yet when the time came to uphold that promise I had been powerless. My fists slammed against the cement. I had failed the woman I loved. My knees gave out from under me and I landed next to the rubble I had created. Blood trickled down from my bruised fists.

“I’m sorry Vanessa,” I dropped my head down looking at my useless pair of hands. “I’m sorry.”

“Vic!” I turned at the feminine voice only to see my sister’s worried expression. She ran into the restaurant and knelt down beside me holding my bloody hands. “You’re hurt.”

She went to rip part of her shirt off to wrap my wound I presumed. I shook my head at her and placed my hands over hers. “No need, I heal quickly now.”

As if to prove it to her my hands stopped bleeding and were already knitted the broken skin back together. Concerned for me she touched my shoulder. “We’re going to save her.”

“How? I don’t even know where he took her. “

Reece kicked open the abandoned restaurant door. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked into the room in a completely different outfit than she had just moments ago. She wore tight white jeans with her yellow and red top swirled in a vortex of mixed flamed colors. When a built guy with black hair and a tan came in after I know that it was her so called back up. Behind him came in a pack of other guys, each one built. I recognized that it was Reece’s brother Aiden and his gang of friends that had come and cleaned up my kitchen.

“You spent your ten minutes gathering your brother and his friends?”

“Yeah,” said Danyelle. “I don’t know how they’re going to be any help either.”

“You’re not going to be much help either Danyelle. You can’t fight off a single human let alone a vampire.”

“Of course Danyelle’s not fighting.” Reece spoke up with a slight flick of her wrist. “That’s why I brought these guys.”

“How are they supposed to help defeat a fleet of blood thirsty vampires?” I screamed at Reece. “The only thing I’ve seen them do is clean my kitchen.”

Aiden took a step forward and glared at Reece. “Hold on here, you had me pause World of Warcraft to go play some pretend fighting with a couple of wanna be vampires?”

“Reece, they don’t even know vampires exist. How are they supposed to help?” Danyelle chimed in.

Aiden stared over at Danyelle shocked by what she had said. “Oh no not you too. Come on vampires are a complete myth.”

Reece turned and jabbed a finger at her brother. “Aiden you of all people should be open to the idea of vampire. For god’s sake look there are a couple of dead ones right there.” She gestured over to the two dead bodies that were lying on the floor. “See look fangs and everything.”

His friend Roger walked over to the bodies. “I thought that they were just really good props but they really are dead.” Roger knelt down next to the bloody mess and sniff. He jumped back at the smell and coughed. “They defiantly aren’t human boss.” He turned back to Aiden.

Aiden took a commanding step towards me with the air around him turning more serious with each step. “What happened here?” His voice was stern.

I clenched my now healed hands together and stood up. “I don’t have time to explain. I have to save Vanessa.” Standing with my head held high I shoved him out of my way. “Either help me track down that bastard or get out of my way.”

Jason came up to me and grabbed ahold of my shirt. “You can’t just shove-

My fangs rammed into my lower lip and I growled out a warning to the man. “I said to get out of my way.” The man didn’t even flinch at the sight of my fangs instead he looked over to Aiden. A second later Jason released my shirt and Aiden was patting my shoulder.

“You’re right me and my friends apologize for wasting your time. We just needed to get some facts straight that’s all. Please allow us to assist you in tracking down Vanessa.”

I glared over at the man. “How exactly do you plan on tracking them?”

He grinned at the question. “Me and my friends here have a little secret of our own. Leroy!”

The smallest looking one of the group stepped forward. “Yes sir.”

Aiden nodded over to him. “Show the man our true colors.”

The boy smiled before kneeling down on all fours. I could hear the loud cracking out bones and cartilage as his body quickly took on a new form. Thick brown fur sprouted out of his skin covering him from head to toe. I watched in amazement as the transformation rounded its final stage. When it was done the wolf standing in front of me let out a loud howl. The men surround him smiled over at me.

“Wait a second you mean to tell me that-

“My brother and his friends are a pack of werewolves.” Reece took a step forward and grinned at her brother. “Yes they are.”

“Holy shit.” I cursed.

Aiden bumped my shoulder. “Hey you’re telling me. A second ago I thought werewolves were the only freaks out there.”

I cracked my fingers and smiled. “Oh that Prince is going to pay now.”

“Prince?” He asked.

“Vampires have a hierarchy and our friend Vanessa was engaged to the enchilada. Turns out that the prince is a giant evil prick and Vanessa doesn’t want to marry him. So she trained Vic to be a better vampire to kill the prince. Vic and Vanessa also have a huge thing for each other and I think that’s about all the Intel I have for you.” Reece informed everyone.

“Okay so what happened?” Jason asked.

I faced him. “Rouge vampires, which is what I am, aren’t allowed to live because they can become stronger than a normal vampire. When the prince Winden saw us together he got pissed and took her away. I’m positive that he plans on killing her because she let me live and even made matters worse by training me.”

“Hold on here.” Everyone turned to look at Danyelle. She was staring at Aiden with wide eyes as she slowly picked herself up off of the floor. “You’re a werewolf.” I guess the shock of learning this had finally settle in and now she looked pissed.

Aiden’s expression changed drastically as he cautiously took a step closer to my sister. “Danyelle,”

Her face turned to one of pure anger as she stomped over to him and fisted her hands into his shirt. “You’re a werewolf and you didn’t tell me! Don’t you think that’s something you should tell a girl who has a major crush on you.”

Lightly he touched her elbows. “I wasn’t sure how-

“What other secrets are you keeping from me? Are you going to tell me that wolf Aiden and you are the same person next?”

He looked away from her. “Hmm yeah...”

Danyelle shook him back and forth. “You asshole you totally kissed me when you were a dog!”

Aiden took her shoulders firmly into his hands. “I couldn’t help it you were talking about your feelings towards me. It was adorable.”

Her face turned bright red and she smacked his chest. “Well now that we’re talking about secrets is there anything else you’d like to tell me?”

He smiled innocently at her. “I’m actually the alpha of this pack and I’ve chosen you to be my mate.”

“What!” I yelled from across the room. Aiden and I had just gotten to know each other and now he was trying to hook up with my sister.

“Go talk with the rest of the pack and get them up to speed as to what we are doing.” Aiden yelled back.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” I growled.

Roger tapped my shoulder. “You want to save your mate right?”

Baring my fangs at the man I let out another growl. “Damn straight I do.”

“Then you need to tell the pack everything we will need to know before we start.”

Jason grabbed my other shoulder and nodded agreeing with his friend. “That’s right you have more important things to think about right now.”

“Yeah we need to know what we are going up against.”

“And what their weaknesses are.”

“How many there might be.”

I shoved them both off of me. “Alright I get it. I need to stay focused.” I made my way over to Reece and grabbed her by the forearm. “Now help me already.”

She nodded and led me outside. “Let me introduce you to my grand plan.”

I took one last look behind me to see my sister glaring up at the wolf. She might not be an adult yet but it was time for her to handle things on her own. Her big brother couldn’t protect her anymore. I turned back around and tightened my fists. I had another woman who needed me now so this mutt had better take care of my little sister.

The argument between Danyelle and Aiden continued as I left.

“What makes you think I want to be your mate?” Danyelle yelled up at the stupid wolf.

Aiden glared down at her. “Because you love me.”

She slapped his chest again only this time it wasn’t as hard. “I do not.”

His grin grew as he leaned down closer to her. “Yes you do.”

“How can I love a werewolf?”

Her body started to relax under his touch. He pulled her in closer and breathed in her sweet aroma. He would follow this woman around the world just to be able to breathe her in. “You’re just being mean because I didn’t tell you I was a werewolf earlier.” Aiden leaned down and rested his forehead onto hers. “Truth is that you don’t even mind that I am a werewolf.”

Danyelle’s face turned a deep red. He had hit the mark on everything. She didn’t mind at all that he was a werewolf in fact she was happy. After all it just made the man even more outrageously interesting. She wasn’t too sure about the love though maybe it was more like still falling. Danyelle looked up into his gorgeous umber eyes and smiled. “You’re right I don’t mind one bit that you are a werewolf.”

She wrapped her hands around his neck and placed her lips gently onto his. She must have done something unexpected because he was caught completely off guard. Danyelle smiled as she pulled away and laughed at his shocked expression. Aiden realizing that the kiss was over instantly protested.

“Wait do it again I wasn’t ready.”

Danyelle pulled away from her wolf shaking her head. “I’ll tell you what we save Vanessa first and I promise to do it again.”

Aiden grabbed Danyelle by the wrist and pulled her out of the restaurant to where everyone was conversing next to Reece’s Jeep.

“Alright people let’s move out!”

Danyelle instantly turned serious as everyone got into separate cars. The time that everyone had been waiting for was upon them. She looked over at Victor and nodded.

“Let’s get that bastard.”

Life Sucks but Loves Bites (Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now