Talk about Your Ways of War

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Danyelle's POV

I woke up from my little nap to find not only that I had a killer headache, but also to see Vanessa get hit in the back of the head by none other than my brother. I watched in horror as Vanessa dropped to the ground.

“Vanessa.” I tried to lift myself off the ground but my arms were too shaky. “Vanessa!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. She didn’t so much as lift her head off the ground, she just lied there. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my weak body. Victor rocked me gently back and forth as he whispered into my hair.

“It’s okay, Danyelle I’ve got you.” His voice shook slightly as his grip around me tightened. He ran his hand through my hair. When touched the large bump forming on my head I didn’t even wince. “You’re safe now.”

I was so focused on Vanessa that I barely caught what he was saying. Safe from what?

I called out Vanessa’s name again. She didn’t even flinch at the sound of my voice. I could feel my breathing growing heavier; my brother didn’t go crazy and kill her did he? She was only human and hit like that from Vic would be fatal. My vision seemed a little bit blurry, was she breathing? Slowly I moved Vic’s hands away from me and started to crawl over to my friend. Please don’t be dead. Tears started to form as I inched closer to her. God please don’t let her die.

Vic started calling my name, I ignored and kept moving forward until I reached her. I watched almost awestruck as her chest rose and fell. She was breathing! She wasn’t dead, oh my god she was still breathing!

My soon to be dead brother came over to my side and knelt down beside me. I mustered up as much strength as I could and stood up. I wobbled over Vanessa's laying body. My brother was standing beside me as I started to lose my balance, he even had the nerve to take my arm and place it around his waist so I could LEAN on him.

"Are you alright?"

I took my other arm and punched him as hard as I could in the face.

"Am I Alright? AM I ALL RIGHT? You just knocked out my BEST FRIEND! Does it look like I'm alright to you?" I screamed.

He looked completely shocked over my reaction, so it took him a moment before he could say anything. "Well it just so happens that your so called 'friend' is a vampire and was just about to suck you dry a second ago. In fact if it wasn't for me you would be dead." He said as a matter of fact and he didn't even flinch when I punched him again which just pissed me off even more.

I pulled my arm away from him, and crossed them both over my chest. Vanessa being a vampire would explain a lot, like how she was able to punch Susannah across the room for example. I shrugged it off, that made her a pretty kickass vamp in my book. “Is that so?”

"Yep you should praise me now for saving your ass." I was ready to smack him upside the head.

"So let me get this straight here. Vanessa was trying to kill me?”


“And you saved me?”

“That’s right.”

“Victor did you not hear what she was saying before you knocked her out?”

He cocked his eyebrow and followed it up with a carless shrug. “I tend to block out bullshit.”

“Now answer me this Vic, if she was trying to kill me why were her final words a warning to me about YOU being a vampire?"

I could tell he was doing some major thinking about that.

Life Sucks but Loves Bites (Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now