The Epic Preperations and the First Encounter

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"Stop, you can't do that it's just too funny." Danyelle was currently rolling around on the ground laughing at me. I was in a dress, walking around the store modeling the thing. I should explain, as we were going through the stores Danyelle still a little detached. I believe that she was still thinking about the fight with Sues, so I decided to cheer her up by putting on the ugliest dress in the store. The dress itself was a mix between something a fairy and a ballerina would wear but the biggest problem with it was that something threw up a hot pink and blue mess all over it. "Danyelle I wasn't joking I really think this is the perfect dress for me."

"Ha, that thing looks ha so funny on you. You can't wear that in public." Danyelle was now trying desperately to stifle her laughter with her hands.

The things I do for my friends…Friend.

I walked into the one of the dressing rooms and caught a glimpse of my reflection,

Wow! Remind me to never look in the mirror again.

"Well, I think I might just have to buy this dress for Halloween."

After three hours of shopping to with no luck, we decided to go into this new store called Black and Tight to look for something suitable. As we walked into the store I heard Danyelle yelp in excitement, as she started running up and down ales before vanishing from my view. I directed my eyes to an area I thought she might be when I caught sight of the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It wasn't really shown off but just stuffed off in a far away corner on a rack. It was a tight fitted, sparkling dark blue (maybe black) dress, and it had a slit up the side like one of the dresses you see in old movies. I grabbed the dress and rushed off to go show Danyelle. After a very difficult search I finally found her at the rear end of the store going through all the shoes as if she was on a mission.

"Boy, what came over you? I leave you alone for five minutes and you go off and demolish half the store."

She tossed a pair of shoes at me and dragged out another pair.

"I'm sorry I saw this dress and got inspired." Danyelle replied sheepishly holding up a seemingly homely black and red dress. She yelped again and reached for a pair of boots that almost looked like riding boots from the 1900's. When she picked them up I saw that in her search for her outfit she had destroyed more than just half the store.

"Crap Dee when you get inspired it's scary." I said indicating the mess.

"No time for apologies I have to go and try this stuff on." As she was gathering her belonging I noticed she not only had picked out shoes and a dress but also jewelry and hair accessories.

Well, I better get going before Danyelle finishes up.

"What's that?" asked this random Goth girl, pointing one of her fingers towards my dress.

"Oh this," I lifted it up "is my dress. Do you like it?"

She dropped her purse and hurdled herself at me.

"Come on I …just…want see it." She whined.

"Get your own dress-

"No! I want this one-

Suddenly she was hit in the head by an on-coming purse and fell to the floor.

Attack of the flying purses dunk and cover!

That's when I saw Danyelle coming out of the dressing room looking fantastic in a dress that had transformed on her entire body. I could see now that it had dark red ribbons coming out of the waist line that went to her mid shin along with the rest of the black netting mesh that made up the lower half of the gown. The top was spaghetti strapped had a v cut top. It was beautiful she looked like a gothic fairy princess, but in a good way.

Life Sucks but Loves Bites (Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now