Unexpectedly in Love

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Danyelle’s POV

After Reece and I had gathered all of the cameras in Ms. Gross’s house Aiden drove us back to their house. Sitting in a 2007 Shelby Ford Mustang made me feel a little uncomfortable. If my brother found out that I was in this car he would probably yell at me. See him and my dad were all about the old classic cars. For example Vic drove a Gateway Convertible 1969 Mustang and dad used to have the 1958 Chevrolet Impala convertible. They were all about the older the car the better. It was drilled into me until even I believed it.

As soon as we pulled into their driveway I practically fell out of the car and ran as far away from it as I could. I made it all the way to the front door before Reece called me back.

“Danyelle, where are you going?” She yelled from the car.

Slowly I turned around and smiled at her. “Uh... to the bathroom.”

“Liar, get back here and help me unload the cameras.”

I sighed as I made my way back to the car and helped her carry the cameras inside. Aiden stuck his hands in his pockets and followed the two of us in. I glanced over my shoulder at him and noticed that he wasn’t even looking at me; instead he was looking at the ground as he walked. I was getting a little concerned about him. The entire car ride he hadn’t spoken single word and now he wouldn’t even look at me.

“Alright let’s get this footage up to my room so I can edit it all.” Reece instructed.

I nodded and followed her into her up to her room. Reece started whistling happily as she carefully unpacked each camera and hooked it up to her computer to download it. In the meantime, I laid back on her bed and thought about Aiden. He seemed like a completely different person from this morning. When I had first met him he seemed to just spark up the room with energy and laughter, but now he just seemed… I don’t know mad maybe.

“Hey Reece,”

“Ah ha! So the mole really is a fake.” She laughed at the discovery and turned to look at me to see if I found the news just as amusing.

I smiled back at her. “Looks like we hit the jack pot.”

“Hell yeah we did.” She spun around in her chair and started typing violently on her computer. “Now what was it that you were saying?”

I sat up on her bed. “What’s up with your brother?”

Her typing stopped for a second then she took a deep breath and started back up again. “What do you mean?”

“Well this morning he was all energetic and now he’s just …depressing.”

Reece snorted at the remark. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Aiden and depressing in the same sentence before.”

I blushed and what I had just said. “Well you know what I mean.”

“Yeah I don’t know what’s eating him.” She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled devilishly. “Tell you what how about you go downstairs and wait for me.”

“But I’m supposed to help you edit the footage.”

She flicked her wrist at me. “I only have one computer so it’s not like we can both edit it at the same time.”

I folded my hand across my chest and pouted. “You just want me to go sit back on the couch again don’t you?”

She laughed into the screen of her computer. “Yep.”

I sighed dramatically but didn’t argue. Reece was right I couldn’t really help her edit the footage right now and I was probably distracting her anyway, but that didn’t mean I had to like sitting on the couch. I left the room went back downstairs then turned into the living. That’s when I noticed Aiden. I froze at the living room entrance and just stared at him. He was lying on the couch with his forearm covering his eyes. To someone else it might have looked like he was just tired but I knew better than that. Vic used to do things like that whenever he got headaches from not drinking blood.

Life Sucks but Loves Bites (Re-Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora