Icy Blue Eyes

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When I walked into the school's gymnasium I could barely see my own hand in front of my face let alone the couples I was bumping into. After muttering my apologies I strained my eyes in the dark and tried my hardest to pick up the outline of the teenagers so I didn't walk into them again. Just because I was a vampire it did not entitle me to having night vision.

'U+Ur hand' by Pink was blasting from the DJ's speakers. Thick smoke surrounded the DJ and his equipment as red, blue and green lights flickered on and off. The smoke machine let out another thick puff as I walked past a couple.

Pink was singing her chorus and the entire female population in the room began to jump up and down, while swinging their heads with the beat of the music. Some were even screaming the song at the top of their lungs… and wow was it bad!

Half the school's boys were safely hidden away among the shadows from their girlfriends and would probably only come out for a rap song or if their dates dragged them out for a slow one. Some of them were brave enough to dance with the girls but not many. The girls that were surrounding the refreshment table were talking about some guy who broke up with this girl.

But I had a mission, and that was to find Danyelle. I searched around the gym floor and around the refreshment table. She wasn't there. I traveled around the room but she wasn't with the huge group of guys hiding from their girlfriends or outside where some antisocial teens hung out. I pushed my way back inside and through the dancing crowd looking for her but she wasn't there either. After checking and then double checking the gym I finally decided that she wasn't in there. I was walking down a hallway and was about to check the bathroom next when I overheard a very interesting conversation.

"She's going to get it now I swear. I mean it, just look at what she did to my beautiful face." Sue whined. Sue was wearing a huge pink tutu like dress with studs plastered along her low V neck collar. The dress barely reached her mid-thigh and I was positive that it was against school rules but would she get in trouble?

Like a snowflakes chance in hell she will!

I pressed myself against the wall and used my keen vampire hearing to listen in more closely. I didn’t even know that she had been released from the hospital much less show up to the dance with her nose bandaged up.

"Well you're going to have to wait awhile longer because I don't think she's here yet, but her little friend is." Tasha said. She along with the other squad members were all wearing deep purple and green mixed dresses that looked like someone had tossed it into a blander filled with lamia beans, grapes, and strawberry's.

Sue’s younger sister who was also on the squad nodded to Tasha. "Yeah that albino freak is here."

Sue simply smirked at the little piece of news.

I slowly backed up towards the gymnasium with my heart pounding against my chest like a hammer. I didn’t want to cause another scene because I had already drawn enough attention to myself when I broke Sue’s nose, and there was no way I was going to leave Danyelle defenseless. So I figured that when I found her we could decide what we needed to do together. I burst through the doors and began my search again. I frantically looked for her; around the DJ, behind the basketball stands.

Although I must say my eyes are now burn for the rest of my life because of true horrors I witnessed back there . I searched for her on the dance floor, the refreshment table, hallways, the entrance doors, around all the flower-wall guys, and finally the dark corners of the gym. Since the only light in the gym was over by the DJ, and since the gym was huge, the corners of it were literally pitch black.

I should have looked there first.

Yeah, I mean she is Goth and Goths like dark places.

Thank you for pointing that out now captain obvious!

There in the far corner of the gym was Danyelle. She had on her dark dress and her stunning shoes. She looked like a dark angel. Her hair was curled and pinned to the top of her head. Her eyes were so blue that they looked like beams of heavenly light in the darkness. I was so mesmerized by the sudden transformation that I didn't even notice that someone was standing right next to her, that is until I saw a big pale hand slide onto her shoulder. I looked over to see the coldest blue eyes. They were so light blue I swear they could have been white so of course they reminded me of ice. Like ice those eyes sent chills running up my spin, and goose bumps sprung to life on my arms. They were so cold yet so… captivating. The best part was that they belong to a GUY! I tore my gaze away from his ice eyes and looked more to his actual body and… He was FLAWLESS! He had jet black hair that reached just below his earlobes and each piece of hair gently laid over another. He had a flawless snow white complexion and from the looks of it he was extremely tone.

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