Error the Nun

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This was an idea that came from a dream of mine, and it's 3-4 days late am sorry chsbxkd

Me and Nightstar246 expanded on the idea and it was fun!

So basically

Error was a Skele-nun before he became the destroyer who somehow is also a Dragon whisperer and has dragons as pets.

And Error has quite a lot of Pet Dragons in the past life.

Fate was very much high on drugs or something to even think of kidnapping a N u n of all skeletons.

Fast forward a few years later. Sanses are frustrated because they can't get Error to date them, when they're all unaware that Nuns have promised to themselves to stay virgin for their entire lifetime.

And since Error's immortal, His virginity will stay immortal.

Error destroys AUs by purifying them instead.

The first time he destroyed by killing, he had to pray for a week or two for the fallen AU.

Error during the first times of him doing that, he doesn't even know what he's doing, only it just becoming an instinct, but hey, less killing.

It's very hard for others to even gain one of the dragon's trusts and Lust did it so easily once he began to hang out with Error.

Nun!Lust is optional.

The Bad sanses learned the ways of Error and did a different approach in spreading Negativity.

Ink and Dream was just so confused by it all.

Blue and Nightmare researched about Catholic religion and respected Error's boundaries.

That's about it from what me and Nightstar talked about.

Again! Credits to Nightstar for expanding on this random af AU with me xD

[If you want to adopt, please look at the "Can I adopt the idea?" Chapter.]

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