Heirs to Destruction

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His 'mother', Ink, had always said that his 'father' was just a no good destroyer who destroys for fun.

That he destroys just because he could.

And that his sweet little brother was just too innocent to see how bad his 'father' is.

But when he caught the 'destroyer' himself breaking down in an anxiety attack right in front of him while he and his brother visits uncle Dream and Uncle Nightmare in their mansion, is when he realized who was in the real wrong here.

"PJ, have you realized who the true victim here is?" Gradient looked at me with such understanding eyes, to which I replied with a nod.

"Yeah... Clearly, 'Mother' liked to feed me with lies... Well two can play that game. Let's see how he would feel if his very own sons became the destroyer of AUs. How about it?" "Ooooh, I like the sound of that idea!"

You can make Ink their actual mother and Error the father, or do a twist where Ink lied that he was the mother, when Error was the one who actually gave birth. Your choice uwu.

Also I'm sorry if anyone has thought of this before ehdbeidj, if you have, tell me and I'll take it down.

[If you want to adopt, please look at the "Can I adopt the idea?" Chapter.]

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