In the Mirror

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Ink made an AU to trap Error, but he forgot what trap it was supposed to be so he just ended up making 'Culttale' where the Underground monsters are cult members.

Error, curious as to what this surprising au is, did not expect to be captured and sacrificed to this some unknown god.

But instead of this 'god' which was actually a demon, killing Error. Error was simply dragged into their realm, which was into the mirrors to replace the demon, who then unleashed havoc and chaos upon the Multiverse.

Error just finds this amusing as he uses the mirror to scare everything... And maybe cause mischief. And Ink can't even do shit because Error's in the mirrors.

Ha, suck it Inky.

Also he gets to enjoy a vacation from destruction.

* Don't ask how Ink making a trap tale ended up to making a culttale

* It's Ink

* Explanations aren't needed

* Reason why Error let them kidnap him is because he was genuinely curious on what this 'god' is and why they chose the destroyer of all people to sacrifice xD

* At some point I'm can see the Demon just ends up coming back to Error and see which AUs is needed to be destroyed and such.

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