Caretaker of the Multiverse

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There was a reason that Error destroyed.

So when the Sanses ambushed Error and managed to successfully knock him out, the Multiverse immediately shook as if it was crying for the destroyer.

None of the Sanses knows what's happening, only that it seems to be related to Error getting knocked out.

So when Error did woke up while chained, the Multiverse immediately stopped shaking and self destroying some copies and throwing the poor inhabitants to the VOID.

"Error! Explain!"

"It'S sImPlE rEaLlY. yOu UpSeTtEd ThE mUlTiVeRsE."

"Wha- The Multiverse is sentient?!"

"SiNcE wHeN wAs It NoT? nOw If YoU cAn KiNdLy Do Me A fAvOr, GeT mE oUt Of ThIs So I cAn CoMfoRt ThE dAmN mUlTiVeRsE tHaT yOu AlL uPsEtTeD."

Safe to say, that was the day they found out that Error is actually older than even Undertale and the Multiverse is still just a young child that Error is helping grow.

Huh, who knew the destroyer could be such a caretaker and a fuccin mother.

Bonus if the Multiverse sees someone close to Error as another parental figure and Error's just an embarrassed and flustered mfer.

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