Chapter Fifteen

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     I coughed, heaving as water splashed all over the river bank. My lungs were on fire as air filled them and my throat ached, sharing a similar burn in sensation. It felt as if I’d gotten drunk and was sick with influenza.

     “So it seems she wishes you live,” Alric said, poking at me with his staff. I didn’t have the energy to jerk it from his grip and beat him senselessly with it—though I wanted to. “I am surprised. I did not think our lady would be so…drawn by you.”

     I glared up at him, managing to roll over onto my back. I was exhausted but I couldn’t stop yet. No, not yet. There was too much I had to do.

     “You didn’t intend on me coming out,” I said thinly. “You have no intention of healing the tears.”

     The elf was gone.

     I muttered a curse. That would be one curiosity that I would never sate. I had the chilled feeling that I would never be seeing that elf again—not anytime soon.

     My body swayed from side to side as I stood. I was too weak to be of much help and I wouldn’t get very far in my current condition.

     Slowly, I started to the woods and that was when I saw it—the frozen tree. The one my powers had struck when I’d come with Jack. When I was still under the potion’s control and we’d discovered Clarity’s body.

     I couldn’t help smiling. It seemed even at Acheron I had memories. However, now I had made more. I had come so far since I had been here. I was far different as the man I was now compared to who I had been then.

     I had learned to love.

     My lips curved into a smile. I knew the feeling swelling within my chest. Though it had taken me far longer than it should have, I had finally realized. There was no doubting it—doubting how I felt about her.

     My gaze drifted to the river.

     Would she still remember me? When the time came, would she hold me in her heart? Would she return the feelings or would it be unrequited? She had been in love with my sister. She had loved her so deeply that she felt the need to flee to Earth to keep her safe—was there no room in her heart for the likes of me? Was I asking for too much?

     I frowned, turning away.

     I would rather care for her as I did and never know if she returned the feelings rather than force them upon her. She was the first person I had ever truly felt such a way for. The way I felt surpassed the way I’d felt for Clarity tenfold and not a thing would explain it away or change it.

     And, because of how I felt, I would keep it secret for the rest of my days.

     Her lips on mine flashed through my mind and I hesitated, looking towards the river as a thought struck. She had kissed me in return. The emotion we had shared in the water was no one that could have been explained past…no. I couldn’t hope for such a thing.

     I closed my eyes, finally gaining a bit more control of my body. I no longer felt as if I was about to pass out. It was a welcome feeling—but I was more concerned on how I would return to Earth.

     “Valin,” Tobias said, emerging from the brush. “I was right. You were here.”

     He still wore Jack’s body and the thoughts and memories that filled me were a mix of warmth and discomfort.

     “You need to come with me,” he went on, grabbing my wrist. “Reign has returned and she is going out of control. She can’t control herself or her powers. No one can get close to her.”

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