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"That guy!", you just thought angrily as you walked along the hallways, your eyes; those normally [color] sparkling orbs, had a slight tint of red representing your current emotion. Your fists were clenched and your mind settled on a particular blonde boy who just went over board with his jokes and tricks, but you did not make that reckon without Uzumaki Naruto, You seriously thought he would have grown out of that age of playing pranks, but it seems like people never abandon their inner kid. But why must his be so annoying,
The ones in the hall ways, from your left to your right, looked at you with raised eyebrows, but you could also hear a voice saying. "What did Uzumaki do this time?" Yeah, at least there are some people who understood your rage. It's not an everyday act that suddenly all things; important things, disappear from your locker and left behind is a cup of ramen with a note saying "Enjoy". The terrible, but definitely familiar hand writing already let to your conclusion: You were Uzumaki's next victim.
You kicked open the door to the class room the blonde had his last lesson in and saw him sitting in his chair, gazing outside. An expression of utter boredom was across his tanned and goofy face, but the second he saw your reflection in the window he turned around with a grin, wanting to greet you with a wave. Well, he did not really have the time for that. You ran at him and your hands had a grip on his collar, your penetrating murdering glare was set upon him and he only gulped. "H-hello, [name]-chan," he only uttered nervously.
"Hello, NarutoKUN!" you shouted the honorific at him. "Where is my stuff!?"
He laughed at you. "What? What are you talking ab-" and there it was. The infamous [surname] headbutt attack that caused the boy to shut his lying mouth. "I know you were on my locker. Don't play dumb, baka!" He nodded, holding his head. You literally have a thick skull, the contact it just made with the Uzumaki's only proved it even more.
Quickly Naruto got out a bag from under his table and handed it you. Your eyes skimmed the content and what you also found in there was unbelievable. Not only did he rob your school project for this week, no, on top of that is your long lost diary from your sophomore year.
"D-don't tell me you read that," you stammered holding up the tiny book containing all your secrets from two years ago.
A smirk appeared on his lips; he remembered something.
It seems like he did. . . F**K!
"That dumbass, Shikamaru! How dare he push Naruto. HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS! And that Naruto, always confusing me with his talking. One second the idiot he used to be and the other one so caring. Argh, I don't even know if I liked what happened or not. . . But his lips tasted like ramen-" With a completely red face you swung the bag hitting the boy right in his face. "ST-stop that! That is history."
The Uzumaki, rubbing his hurt cheek approached you and ruffled your head, his hand slowly sliding down your face, to your cheek and he kept it there.
"Too bad," he said, his face coming closer until his lips brushed against yours. You felt your heart racing, gaining more and more speed.
"Because I love . . . to tease you, [name]-chan."
The fifth kiss. Unexpected like the ones before that, but at least you enjoyed it and the Uzumaki did too. . . and if you think back to that moment; his lips tasted like ramen again

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