F o u r

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F o u r



It was the last day of school and finally the winter and Christmas vacations began. All your friends had massive grins on their faces and so did you. Three weeks without waking up early. Three weeks without Kakashi's boring talk about his favorite author. 

You were just happy to be free for some weeks. 

When you walked out 0f the big building your eyes stopped at a certain blonde haired boy who stood at the gates waiting for something. You ran up to him and smiled. 

"Naruto?" you asked looking up in his blue eyes, He flashed you his goofy grin.

"Yo, I was waiting for you." He told you and you raised an eyebrow.

Naruto, noticing the confusion literally written in your face, laughs. 

"Your parents are at my house and having dinner with my parents. They told me to pick you up." He explained and your mouth took on an 'O' shape. You remembered your mother saying that she wanted to visit Kushina and Minato. 

They did that every year since your mother and Kushina are childhood friends. And every year you had to listen to their boring conversations, Naruto would just go over to Sasuke. . .

"Great, another evening of boredom."

"And maybe alcohol," the Uzumaki boy laughed getting in the car. You sat at the passenger seat taking out your phone. 

"What are you doing?" the blonde boy asked you.

"Downloading a game. Like hell am I going to take a part in their lady conversations!" 

"What are lady conversations?" Naruto questioned confused. You blushed.

"Believe me, you don't want to know."

As you arrived at the Uzumaki house Naruto opened the door for you to enter. You heard your mother and Naruto's mother laughing. 

"And then [name] asked us what we are doing!"

"And what did you say?" Kushina questioned still laughing.

"Creating a sibling for you, haha!"

You flushed as you heard that conversation. You were only eight years old, of course you had no idea what they were really up to.

"M-mother!" you stammered embarrassed. Naruto followed behind not understanding what your mothers were talking about. 

"Oh, Kushi! Look at these two!" Your mother pointed at the two of you. 

"Oi, are you drunk?" You asked them irritated. They only laughed and pointed at something above you. 

Your and blue eyes widened. 

"HELL NO!" you two shouted in sync. 

"Aw, c'mon! You look so sweet together~"

Why god, why?

You gazed at the blonde boy who was blushing and so did you. He slowly leaned in and you closed your eyes. 

It's not like this is our first kiss...

And after a few seconds your lips touched. 


"WHAT!?" You both exclaimed. Behind you was another blonde man. Minato Namikaze grinning and a camera in his hands. 

"A memorable moment!"

Kiss number four, though they were forced, it was truly memorable . . .

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