n i n e

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N i n e



Excitement was in the air on that special day. Everybody was present, impatiently sitting on the benches and waiting for you to finally make your appearance. The blonde who stood at the front in his black suit, fiddling with his tie, grew anxious by every second. When will this door finally be opened? What will you look like? And how on earth will he press out a word in front of you!? Naruto paced around, inwardly screaming at himself. Man that's how Hinata-chan must have felt all these years.
He was sure that he was going to embarrass himself; but little did he know that you had your little start problems too.


"Argh!" you screamed in frustration. That hair of yours just won't behave. You wanted it to be perfectly curled, but nature is against your wish. The two woman behind you chuckled. "Calm down, [name], soon-to-be Uzumaki-chan," they giggled. They were no other than Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Uchiha[1]. You groaned and turned to them. "But I have to look perfect, and this is everything but perfect." you reasoned and pulled on your strands. No, you were not going to leave this room before you look like a princess.
"You are perfect just the way you are, [name]."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"We are two against one, you are perfect and ready to kiss the hell out of that knucklehead!" Sakura cheered, she was on fire and for a tiny second you were scared.
Your blonde friend smirked and approached the pinkette. "Well, it's not like you were just about to faint when you saw Sasuke on your wedding~" Sakura blushed and looked to ground pouting. "Ah, just wait Ino! One day you will marry and then I will laugh at you." Sakura announced. The Yamanaka woman shook her head. "We'll see about that, forehead."
As they were arguing you looked in the mirror again. You looked beautiful, stunning, but still not perfect in your opinion. And you wanted to be perfect for Naruto. Your [color] eyes were painted with eye shadow, mascara and eyeliner. Your lips glossy, demanding to be kissed. But your hair. . .
Why do I even care about this that much!?
And then you remembered the words your partner told you.
[Name], I love for being you. You don't try to be someone you are not. You have flaws, and I love every single one of them because they make you the way you are; and make me fall in love with you more by every second.
Yes, he was a cheesy little son of biscuit, but you liked, no, loved him because of that. He is the one to comfort you, he can always make you feel like a queen and did I mention that he is one hell of a kisser!?
Seriously, sometimes you felt unworthy of being the woman by his side. But then again, if that makes you selfish then you are perfectly fine with it.
With a sigh your body raised up from the chair and you gazed at your friends, they were still arguing.
"Hey, idiots," you called out to them and they faced you. "Let's go, I don't want you to miss my wedding." you smiled at them as you threw away the hairpin and walked out of the room.
The way to the hall felt like an eternity, but eventually you spotted your father before the door, waiting for you. He had a huge grin on his face. You ran up ti him and embraced him.
"I can't believe my little girl is getting married today." he chuckled and you nodded, suppressing the big smile that urged to come out.


The big doors opened and in stepped you and your father. All attention was on you as you walked along the aisles, the train of your dress following you. Your eyes were focused on the male at the front. Your eyes locked and you smiled at each other. As you finally arrived next to your soon-to-be-husband you waited for the pastor to do his job and talk. You didn't really listen to him at all, but nodded every once in a while.
"Now we come to your vows," he announces and Naruto looked unsure. Did he forgot to prepare one? Or is it just going to be the usual stuff like I vow to love you in illness and health, and stuff?
Nope, not really. You are marrying the knucklehead boy number one after all.
"Sir," he said to the pastor with a goofy grin. "How can you expect me to hold my speech if this beautiful woman, who is going to hold my last name, is in front of me?" he asked and everybody chuckled a little. "Can't we just jump to the kissing part because I am so going to marry that girl, no matter what," The man smiled at him and nodded.
"I DO!" you shouted, not bearing it anymore.
"And since Mr. Uzumaki already stated he is going to marry you," he said and turned to the blond. "You may kiss the bride." And Naruto did not hesitate and pulled you into a kiss. People awed and cried, but you, you just smiled because that kiss finally made you to Mrs. [name] Uzumaki.

[1] I am still a NaruSaku shipper, don't worry, haha

Author's Note: Hello, BlackPuma here (obviously). Nine Kisses has come to an end and I enjoyed that journey of writing about Naruto and you. I think it's actually the cutest story I've ever written. Naruto is just a sweetheart and we all love him. I hope you all enjoyed this short story and maybe I made you fall for that blond boy even more. I loved reading all the comments I received and appreciate every one of them. Thank you all for the lovely words and for encouraging me to write. You are the best! :)

Nine Kisses [Naruto Uzumaki]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя